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Chara ran with you all the way to the end of Waterfall. During your small journey they'd lead you through a completely dark room, and over some old slippery bridge with a huge pile of dust on it. You tried to ask them about the dust, but you were ignored. They were really set on taking you to this new place. "Now I'm seeing the determination side of them." You thought. After the bridge you were lead into some mountain like structure and passed a sign.

"Welcome to Hot-"

"Chara what is this place?" You asked.

"Before we go in here give me my sweater." They commanded ignoring your question.

"NO!" You yelled and ran ahead.

"You are going to get yourself killed with that type of attitude." Chara mumbled and ran after you.

You didn't know the full name of the place, but you understood the hot part. It was made up from many different stone platforms. These huge cliffs were rising out of lava. Despite the heat you were determined to keep the sweater and ignored your face heating up. Chara looked upset, but gave no attempts to get it back. They mainly just didn't want you to run off again, and accidentally fall in lava. They could tell how clumsy you were after the first two falls. Though you were sure Chara had something to do with the first one.

"Wait up Y/N." Chara called from behind you.

"What way do I go? Through the lab or to the elevator?" You asked from ahead. Chara finally caught up to you.

"Elevator. This isn't the exact place I want to show you." They said while walking into it. You followed.

Chara went to press the button labeled "R3" before you abruptly pushed them to the floor and screamed "I WANT TO PUSH THE BUTTON!!!" They just glared at you as you did so. You let out a giggle as the elevator started to move. Chara got up off of the ground, and gave you murder face. You just awkwardly smiled back.

"You still taking me to that place you were going to show me?"

"I will unless you like the thought of hell better."

"Yeah I'm good with going to the first place."

The elevator stopped and the two of you stepped out. Chara was still pissed off so you decided now was the right time to give up the sweater. They already started walking as you struggled to take it off. What didn't help was that for some reason it smelled like pollen which caused you to keep sneezing while you took it off. "Why the hell would Chara smell like flowers? Everything is dead." You thought.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Chara asked from ahead noticing your sweater battle.

"Trying to be a nice person!" You replied before falling over. You heard them groan and walk over.

"Are you in need of assistance?" They asked leaning over you.

"No... maybe... yes." You answered. They let out a small sigh as they pulled the sweater off, and helped you up.

"Thanks." They said flatly and put the sweater back on.

You two went on walking ahead. They lead you into some weird hotel building, and then into an even stranger place. You wondered what the second place was, but were to nervous to ask. All of Hotlands seemed abandoned, and the silence between the two just made the creepy feeling stronger. Why couldn't Chara be as positive as they had been before? Anyway soon you found yourself entering another elevator.

Chara stared at you before glancing at the buttons. "Capital." They said.

"You want me to push it?" You asked. They nodded.

Looking at them for another moment you reached out for the button. You had your finger on it as they held a knife up to your neck, and proceeded to push it instead. They started giggling as they put the knife in their pocket. As you regained your breath you couldn't help but give a small smile. Honestly you were terrified, but if Chara really wanted to kill you they would've done it when you were unconscious or when they taught you how to fight.

"Haha! Sweet revenge! Your face was so pale!" Chara laughed.

"Heh yeah y-you got me..." You replied trying to get over the shock.

"Just remember that next time you mess with a Dreamurr!" Their laughing started to die down after saying that. "I guess that means next time you mess with me..." They went silent.

"Is something wrong? Why'd you get all quiet after saying... Drumeer?" You asked slightly concerned.

"It's Dreamurr, and my last name. The only thing is that I'm now the last one. Your buddy killed all that was left of my family." They explained.

"Ok don't take this in a really dark way, but I haven't seen any dead bodies. Actually all I saw was random piles of dust. Is it just really dirty down here?" You asked quickly.

"First off I don't care if you're dark or not if you haven't noticed I am very. Second monsters turn to dust when they die so don't be so rude. It's not dirty just the remains of the innocent." Chara explained.

"Oh! Umm, again really sorry that happened. I'm still shocked Frisk would do any of this." You said trying to change the topic.

"Eh it's fine. We just got stuck in a bad timeline. Though I'd like to see them get back to their old world." Chara said with a small laugh.

"...wat?" You asked with a blank stare.

"Didn't we go over this already?" Chara said looking at you. The elevator had stopped, but you didn't say anything.

"No you got to caught up in souls." You replied.

"Oh well than get comfy cause' I've got some more words of knowledge for you. Like I said Frisk is determination. They had so much of it that it gave them the ability to reset the whole world to the day they fell down. That means destroying most of everyone's memories of them down here. Now when you have that power you get curious and play around with it. There have been times when Frisk hasn't killed anyone, and then times like this where they kill everyone just to see what happens. What happens is you get killed by a demon child who takes away your power. Frisk can't reset. That kinda bugs me despite being my fault." Chara finished before walking out. You followed.

"Why is that?" You asked completely understanding everything Chara clearly explained in top detail to you (I just need to get this chapter out so screw proper reactions).

"We... Can talk about this when we get there."

"Fine, but where are we going?"

"Well... Somewhere I feel more at home."

"Is it the castle?" You asked flatly.

"Yup." They relied quickly.

Chara x reader| Erase them all but youWhere stories live. Discover now