Chapter 6: mad

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After classes that day we went back to Anubis house. We all said we'd go at lights out. We made sure everyone still had their amulets and gave KT the extra one. We were all set.

If luck was on our side.

We reached the room with the mask. Surprisingly we didn't have to redo any of the obstacles. I could tell everyone was happy for that.

I felt wind. Odd since were under ground. Beware the ones who awakens, Chosen One. You're protector can't protect you from everything. Even your pathetic boyfriend can only do so much. That is. If the both live long enough to protect you from the dangers to come.

I stopped in my tracks. I knew that voice. And I'm pretty sure so did everyone else. Except for maybe KT.

My arm started to burn. I saw Nina clutch hers and everyone besides Eddie and KT go for theirs.

What was going on? I thought she was in the underworld. Did she get free when Zeno escaped?

"Leave us alone Sankhara!" Eddie yelled

Ah. The young Osirion. How sweet. Trying to be a hero I see. Well. I hope you know. I always get what I want. No matter how long it takes me. Remember. I'm an immortal ghost. And have more power than any of you will ever know. The wind said.

The wind died. "Nope. This is not going to happen a second time. You guys aren't getting involved. I won't let you guys almost die again" Nina said having none of what was going on

"Well to late." Amber said
"We're already involved. Like really involved." She smiled "your our friend. We're not going to sit back and do nothing."

"Yes. And we aren't going anywhere." Patricia said

"I don't know who that was but I want to help" KT said

"Ill help too" Alfie said

She looked right at me. "You know I would never let that son of a bitching ghost touch my girlfriend do you? I'm sticking with you till the end." I said earning a smile from Nina.

"There is no possible way I am ever letting that thing touch you. I have to protect you. So I will." Eddie said

I was still surprised this spirit was alive. What happened to being sent to the underworld? I didn't understand and I didn't like not knowing. It was driving me mad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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