First Day Kind Of (part 2)

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Your POV:

The bell rang for lunch and I walked with Allison to get lunch then she showed me to her table. "OMG your outfit is to die for!" a girl I recognize as Lydia from hanging out with Scott (occasionally I will go and watch Scott and his pack so yeah) and Derek. Then she picks up my hands looking at my nails "Where do you get your nails done because these look awesome, but I might not get mine like claws" she says again and shows the table my nails and the table starts to question me I can tell by the looks on their faces "I do them myself and I waited for awhile to let them grow out then either cut or filed them in this shape then I designed it" I say calmly because I knew Scott was listening to my heart but I know my heart didn't jump it stayed steady "oh im Lydia by the way and im guessing your the new kid named (Y/N)" Lydia tells me "yes I am and Allison asked me to join you guys for lunch" I say smiling to her. Then I'm introduced to Stiles, and Malia (A/N-im putting Liam and Mason in later but im not going to have the dead pool thing but it will have Stiles and Scott thinking he is a werewolf and all and him getting bitten) We talked for awhile and I became apart of there "pack" really a group until they tell me they are supernatural, even though I already know but im not going to be in a pack ill be friends with them but not a pack because this shadow flies solo like a lone wolf but im better than lone wolves because unlike them I can actually survive. I have a free period after lunch and so does Allison so I ask her if she wanted to come over she said sure so then we went to my house.

At Your House~

We get to my house then I unlock my door and let Allison in and I closed the door behind her and showed her to my room. We get into my room when Allison starts to speak up "so are your parents at work" she asked looking at me curiously I frown and say "my family died in a serious car accident" I lied to her but they are dead. " oh, oh my god im soo sorry I didn't know" she says starting to feel bad for me and she has tears lining her eyes "no its okay its been awhile since they died but im over it but enough about me I want to hear about you and Scott" I say wiggling my eyebrows trying to act like a normal girl would "stop wiggling your eyebrows its weird and we are doing great, but did you see the way Stiles was looking at you in English he totally has a thing for you." it was Allison's turn to wiggle her eyebrows at me while saying the last part. Just as I was about to respond Allison's phone goes off and she answers it "hello" "oh hey Scott" "sorry im at (Y/N)'s house" "hold on let me see she takes her ear off the phone and asks "hey is it okay if I tell them where you live if its ok for them to come over" Allison asks me so I say "its okay they can come over as long as they are okay with me having a pet wolf (it really is your messenger wolf but its like a pet to you) then you can text them my address." I say giving just another small clue "okay" she was about to start talking on the phone when she turns and says "wait what did you say pet wolf" She asks "yeah why" "idk just curious" she tell Scott she would text him the address and she did. While we were waiting I got bored so I say "want to meet Midnight" she looks confused "who is Midnight" she asks looking like she shouldn't have asked "my pet wolf" I say in a duh tone and call "Midnight come here girl" then seconds later Midnight leaps into my room tackling me and licking me I just giggle as Allison starts to laugh "Midnight this is my friend Allison" Allison stuck her hand out and then the wolf pounced on her licking her face, this made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. "oh shoot I forgot to tell Scott about your wolf" Allison says as Midnight calms down and lays next to me, so I pet her gently "they can figure it out when they get here." I say to her and she just gives me an okay look. A couple of minutes of me and Allison talking I hear a car pull up to my house and knock on the door seconds after........

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