Between the restored antiquities of the Plaza hotel, the chandeliers, the gold crown molding, and the Frank Sinatra music pouring through the lobby, I might have stepped into a Rat Pack film. Isaac rose from a club chair on the other side of the room. I went to meet him, my heels clinking on the marble floors. He wore an expensive suit, but his shirt was unbuttoned at the top. That, with his winning smile, made him look casual and approachable.
When we met, he leaned in to air kiss me on the cheek, a gesture that reminded me too much of Sophia, but I entertained it.
"Where to?" I asked, eager to get the meeting underway.
"Let's go to Maggianos. It's right next door."
We crossed the street and stepped into the sprawling Italian restaurant. We settled into a booth, sitting across from one another, and he ordered a bottle of wine.
"How'd everything go today?" I asked, hoping to make friendly conversation first, a skill I was trying to master.
"It went well, nothing notable. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have made the trip if I couldn't meet with you."
"Oh. I guess that worked out then." I straightened my napkin on my lap, gliding my fingers absently over my still-wrinkled skirt.
"So tell me, why are you running this business in Boston?" he asked.
I lifted my eyebrows and pursed my lips while I searched for the right response. "I like being here, I suppose. I mean, I like New York too, but this has been my home for years now. I don't really want to leave unless I have to."
"There are so many more opportunities for you in New York."
"Boston is a technology hub, you know."
Boston versus New York conversations could be tricky, but as long as we stayed off sports, we could probably keep this clean.
"There must be someone keeping you here then." He leaned in with a grin.
I sat back and drummed my fingers on the checkered tablecloth. I tried to keep my expression cool. Why did he insist on making the conversation so personal? My small talk skills had never been great. Maybe I needed to give a little before diving into the logistics of how he envisioned us working together.
"There is someone keeping me here, yes." A glimmer of an idea formed as I said the words.
"And he gave you these. Beautiful." He brushed his finger along my forearm to touch the diamond bangles that sparkled impressively in the dim light of the restaurant.
The contact shot through me, and not in a good way. I pulled my arm back and tucked my hair behind my ear. I'd given him no indication that I wanted to be touched or wooed or flirted with. This was a business meeting, for goodness sake.
I chilled, wishing I'd brought a sweater, something to keep me warm and hidden from his suggestive looks. I regretted the blouse now. I'd dropped a button for Luke's sake and there was no going back without being awkward now.
"Thank you." I kept my eyes low and focused on the food that had arrived.
"Who's the lucky man?"
"Luke Hemmings. I think you know him." Perhaps the name would deter him.
He grimaced slightly. "No kidding. I suppose Sophia gave you fair warning on that one. He had a reputation for discarding his hobbies."
I let the comment roll off my. Luke's version of the events with Sophia made perfect sense and were well in line with what someone could expect from that kind of relationship and situation. He didn't always tell me the whole truth, but I hadn't yet caught him in a lie. Beyond that, I had a hard time imagining someone as cold and calculating as Sophia stealing anyone's heart.
"How do you know Sophia?" I asked, figuring I'd snatch the opportunity to learn more about her.
"We use her models for various shoots for the publications, and of course she's a savvy businesswoman, like yourself. You're wise to connect with her."
I quartered my saucer-sized ravioli and popped a piece into my mouth to avoid acknowledging his last statement. I bristled and the colours of the room became momentarily more vivid as I pictured her in my mind. If she ever touched Luke, I'd definitely connect with her.
Isaac was pissing me off with all of this personal banter. I needed to get us back on track. Maybe Luke had been right. Having him here would have kept Isaac to the point, though the conversation could have become incredibly awkward too.
I took a steadying breath and tried to steer us back to business. "You mentioned that we might find ways to work together. I wondered what you had in mind."
He smiled. "Well, you're the social expert. What do you have in mind?"
The tension backed off a little as I switched into work mode. I questioned him on the mechanics of his marketing strategy, the details of which he knew very little, but overall I had a better sense of how his departments were structured under each publication. I could think of a few ways we could dovetail our paid service with their established marketing efforts.
We spent the next hour or so discussing the logistics of cross promoting between his publications using Clozpin's tools. The plan sounded promising, and Isaac seemed receptive. I agreed to put together a proposal outlining the options we discussed.
Once my personal life was off the table, the conversation was productive, enjoyable even. We polished off the Pinot Grigio and I recommended some other spots in Boston for him to try next time he was in town. A silence fell over the table as we waited for the check to come. I checked my phone for the time. Nearly three hours had passed. Luke would be furious.
By the time we left the restaurant, the sun had gone down and I was more relaxed, thanks to the wine. The air was warm but not stifling. I stepped out onto the street, orienting myself and twisting back to Isaac to ask him which way he was headed. With the movement, I lost my balance and tumbled. Isaac grabbed me and pulled me tight to his chest.
"I had a great time with you tonight, Ava." His voice was low and gravelly.
The sound might have melted another woman but it raked over me like nails on a chalk board. Nothing felt right about it, even after ending the dinner on such a positive note.
"Thanks, Isaac,, but I-"
H muffled my protest, pressing an unexpected kiss to my lips. I froze as he plunged his tongue into my mouth and grabbed my ass, grinding his hips into me. I shrieked into his mouth as I tried to find my footing and push him away, but he held me firmly in place.
I tried to twist away, alarms going off everywhere. Adrenaline surged through me in a potent rush. My body buzzed with the impulse to fight, to get him off me as quickly as possible. My mind shouted commands, but against every instinct, I hesitated, hoping he'd just leave me be.
"Why don't we go back up to the hotel?" he asked.
"Let me go, Isaac." Please. I can't do this again. Please.
He laughed, a wicked sound that sliced through me. "You think Hemmings gives a shit about you, don't you?"
I seethed with anger and prepared to knee him in the balls when he froze.
The deep voice emerge from behind me. Isaac let me go, immediately creating space between us and backing away toward the stone wall of the building. In a flash, Luke was on him, pinning him by the throat to the building.
Isaac sputtered out a string of apologies. "She tripped, I just caught her. It was nothing, I swear."
"It didn't look like nothing."
I glanced up and down the street. Night had fallen and we were alone. I struggled to breathe as the aftermath of the panic raced through me, but I kept reminding myself we were safe. Luke was here, and by the looks of it, Isaac didn't have a chance. In a matter of seconds, he'd been reduced to a pathetic puddle of apologies while Luke squeezed him tighter, threatening him to make one wrong move.
"She's mine, Perry. And if you lay another hand on her, you won't have hands. Is this clear?"
"Yes. Yes, definitely."
He loosened his grip just enough to slam him back, causing Isaac to cough, clawing at Luke's hand around his throat.
I'd never seen him so angry, not like this.
Luke finally released him. "Leave," he ordered.
Isaac disappeared down the street toward the Plaza. Luke turned to me, his face cold as stone.

Uh oh, what do you think Lucas will do to Ava??

QOTD: What do you think about Arzaylea getting Luke high and leaking photos??
AOTD: My opinion. We already know Arzeyla's a crack head. In a lot of recents that she's leaked, you can tell Luke is high. So here's my prediction, Luke will get on drugs, if he's not already, he'll become addicted, she'll continue to ruin his life and career until the band breaks up and once the band is entirely ruined, she'll finally leave because neither of them will have a job, and she's got to have cash so she can go out and party her life away. Sad, but it's been true with many bands. I'm not so sure it'll be any different with this one. Sadly:/ But hey, whatever makes him happy, right:)

please fucking note the sarcasm

I'm secretly crushed on the inside

I've been in love with this band for like 5 years and now.. not so much tbh.

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