Chapter 16

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16 years later...

That's Ira at the top!
Ira's pov
"Ira Louise Valkrum hurry your gonna be late for your first day!" Today was my first day of 8th first year of highschool! I smiled and brushed through my long white hair I put on some bright red lipstick and looked in the mirror I smiled and changed into a random plaid green shirt with some dark blue jeans I went downstairs and my mom said "ah you look beautiful
Honey! TRAVIS GET IN HERE AND LOOK AT YOUR DAUGHTER!" My dad came in and smiled he said "you look beautiful Ira!" I said "thanks mom,thanks dad oh that's the bus I gotta get going!" On the way out the door I grabbed an apple and ran out the door I got on the bus with a "hello" from my bus driver I went to the main back and sat down next to my best friend Laura meteli daughter of laurence and katelyn meteli she said "hey Ira! You happy summer break is over" I said "well I'm happy I get to come back and see my friends but I'm sad I gotta go back to prison I" she laughed and said "I bet you can't wait to see jacob! Your boyfriend!" Jacob also known as gene and Sasha's kid if you couldn't already guess he's the bad boy at school,yes he is hot and yes he is my boyfriend and I know we're only in highschool but I love him  don't tell my mom and dad they hate him because he's always skipping class,vandalizing stuff and getting in detention and im usually doing all that with him again don't tell my mom and dad! Laura said "so have you told your mom and dad about him yet" I laughed and said "haha your funny! Oh wait your serious? Are you insane!? They'd make me break up with him and ground me until the nether freezes over" she raises her hands in defeat and said "well I told my mom and dad about angel" angel is the son of garroth and kawaii chan Ro,Meave  and he's the nicest person you'll ever meet he has light pink hair and icy blue eyes and he's also the boyfriend of my best friend so if he breaks her heart I break half...anyway! We got to school and everyone went to their groups of friends while we waited for the doors of the school to open me and Laura were talking when all of a sudden two hands go over my eyes and someone said "guess who babe" I smiled and said "well any other guy would get smacked if they called me babe and they know that so...Jacob?" He said "the one and only" he took his hands away from my eyes and I turned around we kissed and I turned to Laura to see angel with his arms around her waist I smiled they both walked off me and Jacob sat on the rim of the fountain and he said "so what say we skip first period and go do some more art on the walls" I smiled and said "id love to! What about our other classes" he said "ah we can go back to my place for the rest of the day" I nodded and the bell rang everyone went in the school while Jacob grabbed my hand and pulled me to the main back of the school he set down the bag that was on his shoulder and pulled out two cans of spray paint he handed me my black can took his red can he smiled and said "let's make some art shall we?" I nodded and we started painting with the spray paint after we were done we looked at it it was our signature "SK" it means shadows Knights the group were in gene and sasha started it in highschool and were continuing it anyway we smiled and we walked back to his place we went in and I seen sasha she smiled and said "Ira honey how are you" I said "fine hey is it ok if we hang here until school is over" she nodded and we went up to his room I layed down on his bed and he went to his sisters room to tell her to turn off her LOUD music he came back and said "sorry Juliet can be a real pest sometimes" I laughed and said "I know I've met her!" He smiled and started kissing me until I pulled away and said "I was thinking...maybe we should stop skipping class and actually go to school" he said "what?" I walked away from him and said "I don't know I parents are starting to ask about my grades and I honestly have gotten tired of sneaking around" he said "we've been dating since last year and you've been ok with all of this until now?!" I backed up to the corner of the room and said "I Uh....yes" he came closer and said "pathetic! I thought you were one of us! You were helping me and Grayson keep the shadows Knights going!" Grayson is vylads son and he's not the nicest of the bunch...anyway I said "I-Im sorry I just don't want to do this anymore!" He said "I thought you actually loved me" I said "I do love you!" He said "Ira were through get out of my house!" He shoved me out even though I was in tears Juliet came out of her room and said "Ira what happened!?" I said "h-he broke U-U-up with me" she hugged means said "don't worry ira he's an idiot!" I went downstairs and walked out I didn't feel like going back to school in tears so I went home I went in and my mom seen me crying she ran over and said "what happened?!" My dad came in and said "sweetie what happened" my mom looked at the clock and said "dang it! I gotta go katelyn needs me to pick her up" travis nodded and they kissed my mom left and my dad took me over to the couch we both sat down and he said "what happened" between my tears I said "b-boyfriend...broke U-U-up!" He looked confused,and mad but nonetheless he pulled me into a hug and said "it's ok honey don't worry...guys are jerks" I nodded and when we pulled away from the hug I wiped my tears away and said "thanks dad.." He nodded and said "so what's about a boyfriend? Explain" I sighed and told him everything...

So genes son is a jerk! He hurt Ira!! Idk about you all but I'm ready to kill Jacob! Anyway gust that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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