Chapter Eight

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"No way, you got to be kidding me?!" Niall tells me while he almost hits my drink off the table.

"Well, I'm not"

"Gosh, that's just soooooo cool"

I don't really see why it's cool that I know the 5 seconds of summer guys. I've known themall my life because we were best friends when I lived there. Yes, I lived in Australia, until I was 7 or 8, then we moved to the US. We visit them, and my family, almost every year. I miss then though. Those time zones suck.

"I'll be right back" Niall says getting up still impressed that I know 5SOS.

"Ok, don't die please"

I watch him walk towards a Chinese woman and see him grabbing his wallet. Wait, is he seriously paying? For me? We barely know each other.

"Isa, you've just spend 2 and a half hours talking about his and your life, you know him more than before" the voice in my head named Alice says.

Yes she has a name.

I know Alice, but still. We're not on a date or something like that.

"Sush and let him pay"

Argh. Whatever. I'll pay him back.


“YES ALICE, now shut up”

"So, is there anything you'd like to see?" Niall asks when he's back.

"The pay bill"

"No, you can’t because I don’t have one. Now come with me, and let me show you this beautiful city named London"

"Argh. Fine" I say getting up and following Niall.

We walk towards a massive silver Range Rover and get it. Niall decides not to tell me where we're going so it's all going to be a 'surprise'.

Oh my god! What a surprise to see the Big Ban, Buckingham Palace and the London Eye here in this weird little town called 'London'. I start to think that Niall believes that we don't have this sort kind of stuff in the US. But Niall, you little poor blonde boy, we have Las Vegas. That’s the whole world fit into only one street. Can't beat that huh?!

"What can't I beat?" Niall asks.

"Nothing I was just thinking" I say casually, but inside I feel like I've just owned the whole world.

"Tell meeeee"

"Alright. I was wondering if you think that we don't have this sort of stuff in the US?"

"I know you don't have it. I've seen almost every state"

"Have you been to Vegas?"

"No because I was to young"

"Go to Vegas and we can continue this conversation"

"I don't get it. But that's ok" Niall says while we stop in front of some really fancy high building.

"Uuuuh... Niall...? What are we going to do?”

"I live here" Niall says getting out while my eyes grown as big as a football. Oh no wait you British people say 'soccer ball’ right? .

"Are you coming?" Niall says opening my door.

"How can you... here… Alone?"

"Ssst, it's ok. Just chill for a moment. Let's go inside"

I obey and follow Niall into the fancy building. He gets greeted by the lobbyist and we get into a fancy lift.


Gosh. This. Is. Beautiful. Why can't I live in an apartment here in London?

"You want some tea?" Niall asks me while I wall trough the kitchen that's bonded with the living room.

"Yeah, sure" I say without knowing what he asked.

"You like it?"

"The apartment? How can you not like this? How can you even effort this?"

"Well thank you" he say not even answering my last question witch I already forgot because I'm too busy looking at all his CD's.

"How long are you staying here?" Niall asks while he puts the tea stuff on the saloon table.

"Only three days"

"Maybe we can go out once, maybe with the boys"

"Yeah, sure. I'm totally fine with that"

"Cool, you're free tonight?"

"Uhm, don't know. I need to ask, still a kid, remember"

"Aah, you're almost a grownup here"

"Here yes"



This day with Isa has been so much fun. She's so sweet, funny and let's be honest, she's really beautiful. Not just her eyes, but also her smile, her laugh, and loads of other stuff. She's just... cute. Well, she promised to go out with me and the boys tonight, so I kind of consider this as an on-official date. I just hope the press doesn't get any weird pictures and doesn't start any dating gossip about us. I don't want her to get involved with hate, she doesn't deserve that. Oh wait, I should call one of the boys to ask if they're coming with us.

Niall: "LLLIIUUYYMMN, you me Isa clubbing 2tight?"

Liam: "NAAIILLLL sure. When where what time?"

Niall: "uuuhmm, you can come over at my place, you can join dinner if ya want"

Liam; "don't want to disturb your little date-day. I'll be there at 9 ok?"

Niall: "aight ;)"

"Issaaa, Liam is coming with us. You remember him right?" I ask her.

"The one with the big nose?"

"Uuhm... Yes"

Sorry Liam, but your nose is kinda big.

"Ok, cool"

"Good. Now let's have some dinner"



Soooo dinner was absolutely delicious. Niall made Italian, and as desert we had Ben & Jerry's. I had a lot of fun with Niall, and tonight is probably going to be the same. I've already called my mum and told her I stayed here for dinner and that we're going out, but I think she didn't even noticed because I heard her say: "oh my god, the big ben is so beautiful. You can see the London eye from here!"

Oh well, I don't care. Niall, Liam and I are going to have a good night at a place called 'Funky Buddha'. Cheers to a good night out!


Meh going to spain next week. I'll try to update Tuesday, and I'll do an update when I'm back. 

Well, if you've read PL's AN, you probably don't have to read this one bc it'sbasically the same...


1D is coming to holland and to germany and I need you to pray that me and my friends get tickets. MEH I REALLY WANT TO GOOOO

and then there is Diana.... ME GUSTA MUCHO :D is there any one that has a good version, as in hight quality version? bc i need a good version.

the new little mix song. WHY COULDN'T WE LEAK THAT? I mean we've leaked a song that comes out the 25th of november, but we can't leak a song that comes out tomorrow? weird.


and that's kinda it, adios :)

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