Chapter Twenty-Three

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A little AN before you start reading:HOLY BANANA POOO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 3K GRATCIE LUF YA, have fun reading




Let’s just hope she'll like it... Wait, how am I even going to tell her?

"Oh hey Isa, I rented a studio so we can record your song, don't care if you like it or not, you just have to do it"

I'm not that mean. Maybe I'll just ask her to go with me and we'll see what happens. Yeah, sounds better.


"Heey Issaaaa" I say while I lay my arm on my shoulder.


"Do you have any plans for today?"

"Nope, why?"

"Well, would you like to have some quality time with me?"

"Sure, what are we going to do?"

"I can't tell you. The only thing I can say is that you have to bring your music"

"Niiaaallll....? What have you planned? I'm not going to sing for anyone, you know that"

"I know, just trust me, ok?"


So that was step one. Now I need to convince her to record the song with me...



I can't handle surprises. They make me nervous and then I start acting weird and urgh. What does Niall want to do with me? And why do I need to bring my music? If I didn't like him this much I'd probably never said yes, but he's too cute to turn down.

I hear a car beep, and I get a text from Niall.

Niall: "did you die while you got the music?"

Isa: "no, can't find it"

Niall: "need help?"

Isa: "GOT IT"

Niall: "good now get your bum down here"


Niall: "sorry bum, luf ya"

I knock on the window of the car. And Niall opens it.

"My bum loves you too" I tell him.

"Thanks bum. Got the music?"

"Yupp, let's go"

After a five minute drive the car stops. Niall get out and opens the door for me. How cute.

Where are we? I've never been in this part of the city. It looks so... Fancy...

"Are you coming?" Niall asks.

"Yeah" I mumble and get out.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, I've just never been here"

"Aha, now come with me"

Niall grabs my hand and starts walking. Our fingers entwine while I look fascinated around me. Why have I never been here? It's beautiful out here. The blossom trees smell super nice and the weather is absolutely beautiful.

"So, here we are" Niall says.

"Wait... This is a recording studio..."


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