Chapter Thrity-Four

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I like Niall, he likes me, we're a happy family, lalalalalaaaa.

So my date with Niall this week was so perfect, just because of him. We went to some really fancy restaurant, and we made a walk through the park that was lighted up with little lights. It reminded me of the Passenger song, all the little lights. I love passenger, he's like Ed Sheeran only different.

But yeah, Niall’ve met my parents and Tom, and I guess they like them. He stayed over for dinner and he was really sweet and just perfect.

"Baaabbbbeeee" Niall yells through the house.

"Boooooo" I yell back.

"I'm hungry"

"Then get your Irish 'bum' off the couch and make some food"

"I thought you liked me" he says, getting up and hugging me from the back, "I thought my lovely girlfriend would make me some food"

"You never asked if I wanted to be your girlfriend" I say while I get myself a glass of Fanta.

"Well would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"So I can make you food, while you're holding me like I'm some kind of koala?"

"Yeah, pretty much..."

"Then... No"

"Babe?! Common" Niall says letting go of me.

"Ask it like a gentleman"

Niall walks towards the piano, grabs the guitar that’s next to it, and start playing.

“Isa you light up my word like nobody else,

The way that you drink your Fanta gets me overwhelmed.

But when I look in your eyes it ain’t hard to tell,

Would you like to be

My pretty girlfriend?”

I stay silent but just smile at him. He’s so cute, isn’t he? Yes he is.

“Isa, would you like to be my girlfriend?” Niall asks when he’s in front of me, holding my hands, making me blush.

"I'd love to" I say, as I pull him into a kiss.

"Now go and make your girl food" I tell him when I pull, and slap his bum.




What's going on with Niall and Isa? I haven't seen Niall all week, and Isa only tested three times and called once. Are they dead or what? Let's just call Isa, maybe she knows where Niall is. Don't ask me why she would know.

I grab my phone and dial her number.

"Holla, with Nialler"

What is he doing with Isa’s phone?

"Hi Niall, I thought you were death"

"Well, I'm not, I'm in LA, with Isa"

"Ooh, that makes sense"

"Well, I assume you called for Isa, so here she comes"


"BABE CATCH" I hear Niall yell, followed by a weird noise, and Isa’s voice.

"With Isa" she says.


"ASHTON HII, OMG there's so much I need to tell you"

"I thought you were also dead"

"I wasn't. I was at the Macklemore gig and got really drunk. And this douchbag wanted to do nasty things with me and he hit me in the face but then Niall was there like some superhero and he saved me by beating up the dude. And I couldn't remember so the day after, Niall came to visit me and we kissed and we went on a date and he just asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes, but my parents can't know because, yeah you know them, but yeah, that's what I wanted to tell you" Isa says so fast that I barely can keep up.

"So you and MC Nialler huh"

"Yeah, and when are you and Charlotte starting to date?"

"Never, in a million years" (AN: troll, see what I did there)

"Aah why?"

"I'll tell you the really long version when we're in LA. Go and have fun with your boyfriend"

"Alright, bye Ash, love ya"

"Love ya more, bye"

Well, didn't see that coming. If Niall and Isa can, it'll all work out with Charlotte and I. Or not and I die alone, with my drumsticks. That sounds good, yeah, I'll stick to the last option.



"Niiaaalllll, how am I going to ask my parents if I can live with Ash, Cal, Lukey, and Mike for a month?" I ask while Niall is playing some guitar.

"Just say: 'hey mom, dad, me and the boys are moving into a huge house together, see you in a month. Bye' and then you walk out"

"What kind of advice is that?"

"That's what I did when I signed up for the X-Factor auditions, and it worked out pretty well"

"Not with my parents"

"Then just pretend like you've told them. And when you leave, they'll be like: the heck Isa? And you just say that they already approved it"

"You're such a bad boyfriend"

"Don't blame me, I'm Irish"

No way, you're Irish? I thought you were a Mexican. Well I didn't expect this plot twist to happen.

"Just be really nice and at the end of the day, you ask and because you were such a great daughter they'll approve it"

"That sounds better"


HELLOOOO update bc @itsjustlisanne's phone wanted me to :)

Am I the only1 who's scarred when some1 tells you: "We need to talk" ? bc I am.

DUDE I just found out that we;ve never leaked a video and that we still havent leaked Midnight memories, and I WANT YOU PEOPLE TO LEAK THAT ALBUM

Oh the unioin j album is pretty funny, Lucky Ones and Head In The Clouds remind me of goats, don't know why

well that's it for today, bye<3

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