Chapter Fourty-Eight

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I walk towards the front door, a big bouquet of red roses in my hand, ready to ring the bell, but the door is already open.

"Hellooo?" I say but I don't get an answer, so I decide to walk in. I know it’s stupid, what if they think I’m some kind of thief? Oh well, I don’t really care right now.

I walk into the living room, it’s pretty dark, the only light in the room are some candles. And… oh god… Ashton and Isa... kissing? What? Ashton is shirtless and Isa's blouse is open. What the heck? Isa and I never even got that far.

"Holy fuck" I say, they quickly pull out and turn towards me, the roses falling out of my hands.

"Niall.." Isa whispers as she closes her blouse.

"With Ashton...?" I ask soft.

"I'm so sorry" she says, her eyes filling up with tears as she runs away.

What the heck? Ashton? I mean... He's Ashton... I shouldn’t have just walked in. This was just such a horrible idea.

"Niall, how did you..." Ashton starts.

"What the fuck man, how could you even do that?" I say mad.



"I’m sorry"


"SHE HELPED ME… she helped me getting over Charlotte, alright? And yes I'm sorry, but I wasn't the only one who used someone"

"So you just used her?"

"No, it's different"

"It's not Ashton, you fucking used the most beautiful girl in the whole world. You're just a dick" I say as I walk towards Isa’s room.

"Isa... Can I come in?" I ask knocking on her door.

"No, go away Niall"

I stay in silence for a couple of minutes, just listening to the sound of Isa’s crying. It always breaks my heart when she cries; I just don’t like it when she cries.

"Isa... I love you"

"Shut up Niall, you don't love me"

"I do, and I'd give anything up for you"

"Niall, stop it" she says opening the door. Her eyes are red and puffy, and she looks horrible, but in a cute way.

"Isa, why Ashton?"

"Because of you..."


"I missed you, I felt lonely. Ashton was so sweet, he just reminded me of you"

"So you also used him?"

"What do you mean with also?"

"Oh, you don't know...?"

"AAAASHTOOOON" she yells mad and runs down stairs, as I stay upstairs. Maybe it's better if I just stay here for a moment. I don’t want to cost any more trouble.

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