Part 5

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"I'd like to buy some t-shirts and jeans..and a mascara." Ryan agreed. So when the doctor checked Rincewind, they went to Sephora and H&M. Ryan also bought her a pair of new Vans like a gift and paid for her pills. When they got home, it was around 4 PM. "Ryan? Could you lend me one of your old t-shirts? I don't have any pajamas." Rincewind chose a jersey of Montreal Canadiens, in which has Ryan performed last year. They sat on the couch again and watched TV. But it was Ryan who fell asleep. Rincewind took his face and softly kissed him on his lips. He quickly opened his eyes and found her totally surprised sitting on the carpet. "What are you doing? I didn't sleep." She wasn't able to answer. "I think I should go." But Ryan took her hand and said: "No. You shouldn't. Rincewind Saintjean, stay here with me."

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