Part 13

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"So can we start your new life?" Ryan asked Rincewind after she was free from hospital. "Sure. When we're flying to Denver?" "This evening." They went to airport. Ryan bought her two cups of Starbucks coffee and a cheesecake. They went also to Pizza hut and Ryan bought a salad himself. "Do you want to go to some clothes shops?" Rincewind looked at him. "No. I've thrown many of your money yet." Then she caught him around his shoulders and kissed him. Really. In fact, it was their first real kiss. They were wildly kissing in front of people in the airport. "Look, it's Ryan Tedder, isn't he?" They stood three teen girls. "Ryan, Ryan!" One of them shouted. Two other girls were still standing behind her. And the blonde one looked like Elyon. "Would you give me an autograph? I'm Coleen. Coleen Gemini." Ryan turned to Rincewind. "Rin, we'll continue soon." The blondie came to Rincewind. "What's your whole name?" "I'm Rincewind Saintjean." She opened her mouth, staring at Rincewind. "I'm Elyon Saintjean. Sis! They let you go?" Both girls smiled. "No. Ryan hijacked me." Rincewind laughed and looked at him. "Ryan, I'd like you to meet my sister. It's Elyon."

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