part 3

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Ryan smiled. "Saintjean...your surname is Saintjean?" "Yeah." Rincewind smiled back. They were sitting there in silence again. Ryan turnt and saw, that Rincewind fell asleep. He took her on his arms and carried her to the bedroom. She was like a feather. So light and so destroyed. She woke up after midday. Ryan was just eating his lunch, when she came to the kitchen. "Good morning sunshine..." Ryan started to sing. Rincewind was a very good singer too, but she wasn't strong enough to answer to him with another song. She just asked, where some food is. Ryan pointed to the fridge. Rincewind sat to Ryan with a pack of cheese and two slices of bread. "Don't you want some warm food? I recently cooked wholegrain pasta with carbonara sauce." "Oh, if I can, I'll eat a plate of this."

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