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Hawkwing & Hawkeye

"Madison, you have any arrows to spare?" Clint asks as he rips his last arrow out of a Chitauri soldier's chest.

"Not anymore." She answers as she shoots her second to last arrow at a flying chariot. "I have a bunch of bullets, so I think I'm going to make my way to the ground." She informs as pushes the button on her crossbow that changes the arrow head to her arrow in the quiver, getting it ready for another shot.

"Probably the best idea." He agrees, doing the same with his arrow.

The siblings jump off their respective roofs. As they both dive down, they do a twist and shoots their grappling hook arrows into the sides of their buildings. Hawkeye swings into the building's window and rolls onto the office's floor, glass shards everywhere. But, unluckily for Hawkwing, her arrow gets caught by a Chitauri soldier that was climbing the wall. The soldier snaps the arrow in half, leaving Madi to free fall.

She doesn't even scream as she closes her eyes and waits for the impact of the ground to hit her. She never feels it. All she feels is cold metal grabbing onto her body.

"Please don't be a Chitauri, please don't be a Chitauri, please don't be a Chitauri." She pleads as she opens her eyes to see--

"If I was a Chitauri, you'd be deaf by now." Tony quips as he flies in his Iron Man suit with her in his arms. "Those things screech like a cat getting its tail stepped on."

"Thank god." She lets out a breath of relief as she sees the red and gold metal head.

"Glad to see me?" Madi can imagine the smirk under the helmet.

"You have no idea."

"I can close it!" Natasha's voice comes over the comms. "Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!"

"Do it!" Grace, Payton, and Steve yell at the same time.

"No, wait!" Tony stops them as gently sets Madi on the ground near the others then bolts away leaving her confused.

"Stark, these things are still coming." Grace points out.

"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute." He reasons. "And I know just where to put it."

Iron Man

Iron Man somehow catches up to the nuke. The missile speeds on as he comes up behind it. He grabs it, gripping onto it tightly.

With all his effort, he gets the rocket off course. It accelerates quickly and he steers it straight up, towards the portal.

Down on the Ground

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?" Steve says while looking up at him flying up into the portal, no response. "Stark!" He repeats.

"He's in." Payton looks at him.


The communication system dies as the Iron Man suit begins to freeze. Tony involuntarily lets go of the missile and starts to free fall down the portal.

Back on the Ground

"Come on, Stark..." Madi pleads as she stares at the portal of hell.

They all watch from below as a supernova comes into view in the hole in the sky. Thor nods to Cap.

"Close it." Steve commands.

Stark Tower Roof

Black Widow stabs the core of the contraption without any hesitation. The Tesseract turns off its energy beam and the portal quickly closes. A small figure is hurling backward into the open-- now closed portal. Plummeting towards the earth.

Ground Level

"Son of a gun!" Steve smiles as he realizes that it's Tony falling.

"He's not slowing down." Thor reports and starts swinging his hammer around. Grace raises her hands and is about to make a net sort of thing of energy when Hulk flies out of nowhere and catches Tony. Both of them crash and slide down a building.

Hulk throws Tony onto the ground and everybody runs over to him. Thor rips off Tony's helmet off.

"Is he dead?" Payton asks what we're all thinking. The Hulk roars in fury and the noise startles Tony awake.

"Woah, what the hell?" Tony questions as his breathing goes rapid. "What just happened?" He lifts his head slightly to look around at us. "Please tell me nobody kissed me?" He pleads, noticing Steve knelt down next to him.

Steve looks over at all of us then back up where the portal used to be.

"We won." He announces.

"Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job, guys." Tony praises in a monotone voice. "Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day." He plops his head back onto the debris covered bridge. "Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it."

"We're not finished yet." Thor reminds as he looks over at Stark Towers, where Loki is.

Stark Tower

A bloodied and beaten Loki crawls onto the stair. He takes a few breathers and feels someone behind him. He turns to see the Avengers, their weapons in hand while Hawkeye has his bow up aimed and loaded.

"If it's all the same to you." He sits up on the step more. "I'll have that drink."

Avenge | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now