Tainted Blood

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Follow Dahlia Rose's horror filled life of her responsibilities of being a part of the blood line of 'true psychics'. The thing is the women in her line could see the future, which would help them to beat the evil beings to the punch line, but after her grandmother's mistake many years ago, Dahlia has tainted blood. After a witch put a curse on the family line, Dahl was next in line to recieve the psychic gift, but it wasn't what it was suppose to be. Dahl sees the past instead, which leaves her to pick up where evil leaves off, making it more difficult for her to defeat the creatures that threaten the world. She also can see and speak to ghosts who can be cooperative when they want to be, Dahlia can 'Astral Project' in her sleep to, not at her will though. When she's astral projecting it can help her figure out a mystery she's trying to solve but if she's not careful she can die in real life if she dies in her dream.

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