Chapter 1 - Ice and Snowflakes

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Cameron's POV

Had I known what I was doing and who I was hurting, I would have stopped. I would do anything to go back in time and change everything. But this is my fate, I have to accept it. It's too late to do anything else. "Why? What happened?" you ask.  Let me take you back to the very beginning...


It was the first day of our senior year. Mom swore that it was going to be the last school we'd be transferring to. It was so tiring having to move from school to school and make new friends.

Mason Academy, allegedly the best private high school in the States, was where we would be graduating. As I stepped onto the campus, I was overwhelmed by how majestic the school was. I've been to a lot of private schools before, but never have I once laid eyes on a school as impressive as this. Ever seen Hogwarts? It's undoubtedly a copy of it. A huge, intimidating castle surrounded by tall, sturdy steel gates towered over me as I gaped in awe at it.

This is where the magic happens.
At least that was what I thought.

"Ready?" my brother asked, smiling at me.

"I was born ready."

We strutted our way towards the school and pushed through the heavy double doors, causing all eyes to turn in our direction.

The interior of the castle was just as stunning as the outside. The long spiral staircase that led upwards to the second and third floor was surrounded by gleaming glass balustrades. Not a single smudge or fingerprint could be spotted on the glass. To walk from one class to the next, you'd have to be reasonably fit and active.

I groaned at the thought of a cardio workout every forty minutes.

"Cameron and Christopher Lockwood?"

We whirled around to identify the owner of the gentle voice. The girl grinned at us, her brown eyes shining like a pool of honey. Her curly brunette hair was tied back into a loose ponytail with a few strands framing her smooth, tanned complexion.

Her uniform was worn relatively neatly. The crisp white shirt was tucked underneath the grey skirt, the black blazer hugged her slim figure warmly and the red tie was pulled right up to the top button of her shirt, almost as if it was compressing her neck.

"I'm Riley Arnould," she reached out her hand to greet us, "I've been assigned to guide you around."

The sleeve of my blazer revealed my bracelet as I returned the gesture with a firm handshake.

Micah, my childhood friend, had given this token of friendship to me when we were seven. The silver chain, secured at the clasp, couldn't be unlocked with anything but the key on Micah's bracelet. He had a different lock on his bracelet, a lock that only I could undo with my key - if he hadn't already broken it off with great force.

We made a promise ten years ago. We vowed that the bracelets were to never leave our wrists for as long as we stay as friends. It was a symbol of our relationship. He claimed that it represented "handcuffs" to keep us together.

But the next day, he vanished. He abandoned me and left me wondering if I did anything to drive him away. The feeling of betrayal tempted me to rip off the chain, but the feeling was never strong enough to give me the courage to do so. I believed that he'd find me as long as I wore this keepsake. I didn't plan on losing hope anytime soon, even after ten years.

I can assure you that Cameron Lockwood never gives up easily without putting up a fight.

"And this is where our base room is," Riley led us into a classroom plastered with maps, "Come, let me introduce you to my friend!"

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