Chapter 9 - Sixth Sense

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You don't choose who you fall in love with.

Cameron's POV

"You wanna sit with us for lunch today?" Nick asked and I frowned at him, "They're honestly not that bad, once you get to know them. It's just Lana, trust me."

He looked at me with wide hopeful eyes, pouting slightly. He knew that I couldn't resist it. He wasn't wrong about that.


As we walked towards their table, I noticed all the glares of jealousy from the girls. Nick laced his fingers with mine and I could feel them rolling their eyes. A twinge of envy bubbled inside each of them.

"Why her?" I heard them whisper to each other.

I wish I knew.

I don't blame them. He was perfect - charming, gentle and caring. He had a heart of gold as big as the ocean, just like the princes in fairytales we grew up dreaming about. I smirked slightly at them. It was satisfying to be the one to burst their ego and prove them wrong. They thought I wasn't enough, that I didn't measure up to Nick's popularity. Boy, were they wrong. Though I was the "New Girl", I was climbing up the social chain pretty fast.

The smirk wiped away from my face as we approached Nick's lunch table. These were the people whose opinions actually mattered to me. Anxiety rushed through my body, their cold intimidating stares stabbed my skin. I don't know why I was so unsettled by their presence. I guess it was because they were Nick's friends and I wanted to be on their good side - including Lana's, unfortunately.

Aurora, the red-haired cheerleader gawked at us, "So, are you guys like a thing now or what?"

"Yeah, we're a thing," Nick looked coyly at me.

"Lana's not going to be happy about that."

"Ugh, speaking of the devil, here she comes with her clown," Lucas, a towering six-foot jock, groaned.

As per usual, Lana strutted towards us with Hailey following her in her shadows. Their big blonde curls bounced to the clicks of their heels. I expected Micah to be with them but he hadn't made an appearance yet. Should they not have come to school together if he lived with her now?

"Hi Lana," I flashed a friendly smile at her, "Where's Micah?"

"Home," she studied me from head to toe and screwed her face in disgust, "Not that it concerns your ugly face."

My smile instantly vanished. What was her problem? She hated me since day one and I don't understand why. I tried to bite my tongue and be the bigger person, but I didn't want to let her step on me. Somebody's got to give her a taste of her own medicine.

"At least it's not made of plastic," I retorted.

Lana frowned upon the attitude I was giving her. My heart was racing from the tension between us. I felt it hammering against my ribcage. I wonder if they felt it too. Folding her arms, she narrowed her eyes menacingly at me before she made her next comeback.

"At least Micah gives me attention. You're nothing to him."

Man, she really did know how to get on my nerves. Somehow mentioning Micah caught me off guard. What could I have said to that? She was right. I was nothing to him but an old, abandoned memory that had been buried deep in the back of his mind. Lana mattered to him more than I did. I felt worthless to think that I couldn't even measure up to her. Why did he choose her of all people? What on earth did he see in her?

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