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Madison's pov

"Madison. Here. Now" he growls

I look up at Justin, that still has his back to Jason, and eyes widened

I slowly start walking to Jason

Justin grabs my softly wrist

I look up at him, his eyes go back to normal, and I look at the floor.

"Now" Jason

I look back up at Justin

"No" Justin spats "I'm not letting
you hurt her."

Jason rolls his eyes

"Lets go" Jason says

"I said no! Your not gonna
beat her!" Justin yells

Jason marchs over to us, and grabs
my other wrist roughly.

"Madison you have already broken 2 rules. Come now." Jason spats

AGAIN!" Justin yells

"Listen asshole I wasn't- JUST LET GO BEFORE I DO BEAT HER!"
Jason yells

"Justin just let go. I'll be fine" I throw him a weak smile

Justin thinks for a minute and
slowly let's go

Jason pulls me out of Justin's room, down the hall, and into the last
door on the right.

"Go sit on the bed Madison" he says, locks the door with a key, andshoves it in his pocket

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"Go sit on the bed Madison" he says, locks the door with a key, and
shoves it in his pocket.

I slowly walk over to the bed
and sit on the edge.

Jason walks into a room connected
to his bedroom.

I look at the paintings, pictures, curtains, TV, and both of the couches.

Jason walks out, to the bed,
and sits next to me.

"Are you tired?" He

"Y-Ya" I whisper

He stands up, walks to his dresser, and after a few minutes pulls out a
t-shirt that says 'princess' and shorts

He stands up, walks to his dresser, and after a few minutes pulls out at-shirt that says 'princess' and shorts

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"Here Mads" he hands itto me "change"

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"Here Mads" he hands it
to me "change"

"I'm fine in this. I just put thes-"

"Change" Jason says and stares
me in the eyes.


I walk into his bathroom, change into the cloths, and pick up Justin's

I walk out

"What should I do with
this?" I whisper

"I don't care. Throw it out" he
says pissed off

I walk and put Justin's cloth by the bedroom door on the floor.

"Come here" he say and
pats his lap

I swallow and my heart starts
beating fast

I slowly walk over to the bed, sit next to him, and he pulls me
on his lap facing him

He stares in my eyes

"Madison I know it hasn't even been a week yet and so many bad things have happened. So I just wanna to start over. Act brand new. You never really got to get to know me. So now is your opportunity to ask me what you want. Anything. And I will give you an answer." He smiles

"Okay.....introduce yourself"

"Hello. I am Jason McCann"

I almost choke when I hear
his name again

"Why do you fight with Justin?"

"We have always been very stubborn people who always want everything are way." He shrugs

"Why are you into
'gangs'" I say

"I was alone all my life, except for Justin, and I just took the wrong path and dragged him with me" he frowns

I yawn

"I guess it's time for bed
huh?" He says

"Ya I guess."

He puts me on the right side of the bed, tucks me in, then goes on the other side.

There was about an awkward 4
inches between us.

He turned the lights off with a
remote, and relaxed

"Jason I have one last
question" I say

"Go ahead love"

"Why me" I blurt out

"Okay, it starts way back almost 3 years ago, when I wasn't into gangs and stuff. I used to work at Wendy's with Justin. I'll never forget the day you walk in and my world stopped. I dropped the large coca cola I had in my hand on the floor, then Justin ran to me. He then saw you and froze. Justin said to just talk to you but I was too scared. I ran in the back, and quit. Then like I said before I went down the wrong path and dragged him with me. About 3 months later I saw you again when I was driving home. After that I started looking after you. Making sure your okay and happy." Although I couldn't see in the darkness, something was telling me he was smiling.

And so was I


Hi loves

Hope you enjoyed this :)

I love you

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