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Madison's pov

I wake up against a cold cement floor. I peel my eyes open and see the dark room with cement walls and floor

I try to get up and I get pulled back down. I hear the sound of metal hitting together as I move my hands.

I look down at then, chained up in hand cuffs, tightly gripped on my wrists.

I pull at it, thinking it would just
click off. I sigh, looking straight into the darkness

"Hello" I whisper, not sure if I really wanted anyone to answer me back.

"Hello?" I say a bit louder, immediatly regretting my words.

I hear a door slide open and shut quietly. My heart starts beating faster, as I see a silhouette of a tall man.

"Madison, it's me Justin" he pauses walking to me "I won't hurt you, I promise" he whispers, and my eyes widen, as I gasp

"H-How do you k-know my name?
W-Why am I h-here? What are y-you gonna do t-to me?" I stutter

"Shh sweetheart. I don't want him to know your up. And I don't know what he will do to you. Stay quiet Mads" he whispers, as tears roll diwn my cheeks.

"Why did you take me" I whisper, making him look up into my eyes for a moment.

"I didn't, He did." He pauses, pulling away from my eyes, "I brought you some food" he says, sitting down next to me.

"I'm not hungry" I say, as i start to taste the salty tears falling into my mouth.

"You need to eat" he whispers in a harsh tone, placing the food infront of me.

"N-No I don't" I spat at him in between tears, as he stands up, walking to the door.

"Okay whatever Madison. I'll leave it here. Please just eat it. Stay safe, okay?" he says getting up and walking out

What does she mean stay safe? Stay safe from what? Who was he talking about? Questions run through my head, as tears run down my face.

I hear the door slam open and close and I act asleep like a 5 year old. I hear person walk in, and straight to the desk on the other side of the room

After about 10 minutes they get up and walk to me.

They stand above me just looking down for a few minutes, and walk out of the room.

I peel my eyes open and start breathe heavy, placing my hands on my chest, as I moves up and down

Who was that? Was it Justin? No, it couldn't have been Justin. He would have known I didn't fall asleep in a matter if 2 minutes.

I sigh and let all my confusion out with it. I lay there, looking at the ceiling for an hour, or at least it felt like an hour.

The door slams open and closed. I jump at the sudden loud noise and look up.

A person walks next to the desk and flicks on the light, releaving a very tall man.

"Nice to see you again, Madison" he says, walking closer to me, and I see it's Justin.

"Please just let me sleep, and then do what you want to me. Just let me live for one more day, please Justin" I plead, as he stands over me.

He laughs, and my eyebrows furrow, as I listen to the unfamiliar laughing.

"Justin? No love," he says bending down towards me, almost exmaining me.

"Y-You lied to me about your n-name also?" I question, he shakes his head no, as he laughs again

He puts his hand through my hair and I jump up. I move my hand up to push his hand away and my hand gets pull down by the chains

"Ouch" I whisper, as another tear falls down my cheek, and lands on the floor infront of him.

"Me and Justin are twins. And if I was you, I'd know better then to talk to him." He smirks

"Who are y-you?" I question, waiting for an answer, as a smirk forms on his face.

"I'm Jason, Jason McCann" he says, making my eyes shoot open with fear. I crawl away from him quickly and go against the wall

"Get away from me!" I shout, tears now streaming down ky face like never before.

"Calm down" he says, rolling his eyes backwards and I shake my head no, close my eyes

"LET ME GO, PLEASE" I cry, placing my head in my hands, "I WILL NOT TELL A SOUL" I plead him.

He goes to the desk, and grabs tiny pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt with the 'Nike' label on it, and throws it at me.

He bends down over me, taking a key out of his pocket and unlocking my hands.

"Change, now. When your done knock on that door" He says, pointing to the door.

He comes over and grabs the plate of food Justin brought for me, and throws it at the wall. My eyes widen, as I look at the mess

"Don't talk to Justin" He growls, taking a breath in between each word. He  marches out of the room, slamming the door behind him

Pain rushes through me and I cry. I grab the cloths and change into them.
I wipe my eyes,

Be strong, play a roll, Madison. Make them think you are better, you are fighter. I nod to myself, wipe my eyes one more time and knock on the door.


Enjoy this chapter :)

Love you

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