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Madison's pov

I get out of the shower and grab a towel. I take my time drying
myself off.

I look at the clock next to the door that reads 11:05 p.m.

I was in here for an hour and a half
I question myself, I guess so.

I throw on Justin's white t-shirt and black sweatpants, and look at
myself in the mirror.

I look at my feet and
wiggle my toes

Why am I forced to live in this nut house with criminal? Why am I the one who has to go through all the pain? What did I do?

A tear rolls down my face and I look in the mirror again.

I sigh and turn the door handle.

I open the door and walk out.

I see Justin sitting on his bed, watching his TV

He jumps up and walks to me, and grabs my hands

"Love, I know it's hard to be happy here, with Jason and all. But we have each other who both want the same thing. To leave this house, Jason and everyone, and ever come back. We can get through this together." He says and pull me into a hug

I start crying onto his chest and he starts rubbing my back.

"I hate this life. I wanna go back. I hate everything here!" I cry

"I know Mads. Me too."
He sighs

"I hate Jason" I
blurt out

He just sighs and rubs
my back

"Why do you let him control you. He is not the boss" I say still with
my head on his chest.

"Mads it's a long story hun"
he says softly

"He thinks he's so good! Bigger then everyone else! He's not! He's smaller then everyone here! He's such a d-"

Someone clears their throat and my eyes widen

I back away from Justin, and look at the door way.

It was Jason. Leaning on the
door frame

I gulp in prepare for
what's coming.


Ohhhhhhh drama!


I hope you guys enjoy :)

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