See you soon

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8 months later
Taylor's P.O.V
It's almost been a year. Daryl and I have been walking for an eternity. We still haven't found Beth. We think she's dead. I'm starving and slowly dying. Daryl is no fun without Kayla. I don't think I will ever see them again. I think they're all dead.
"Daryl?" I say while walking next to him.
No answer.
Of course! I mean I know it's hard on him but it's hard on me too! Does he not get that I lost someone too!
" DARYL! You're not the only one who has lost someone! I hope you know everyone who's living in this life has lost someone they care about too!! Stop trying to pity yourself! Take Beth for an example her dad is dead, She doesn't know where her sister is at, and she's missing and probably dead! So stop feeling bad for yourself get off your pity train and go with life!! You know that thing we're trying to fight for!!!"
"The do it!" I tell while leading the way!

Carl's P.O.V
I miss Kayla so much! She was such a good partner in crime! I hate myself everyday for what happened! I was just annoyed. Annoyed I didn't have taylor, annoyed my group was gone, and annoyed by this life! I yelled at her and I asked her 'Was Daryl is in there why don't you go get him!' I yelled as she jumped and ran towards the store!! I was alone for 3 minutes before I heard 'CARL!!! HELP' the screaming continued!! I got up and ran and there she was being eaten alive by five walkers.
Every since that day I have been alone. No Kayla, no friend, no nothing.
I was walking when I heard someone fighting. I run towards the sound.
"Carl?" She says as I embrace her in a big hug. "I missed you so much!" I say as I still hang on to her.
"I missed you too!"
"Where's Daryl is he back there."
"Yeah. Where's Kayla? Daryl said she went with you." There was a moment of silence before I decided to tell her.
"Um..taylor..Kayla is dead." After the word dead came out of my mouth her face fell and she started to sob. I heard running and I looked and saw Daryl running. I started to run after him before taylor grabbed my shirt and pulled me back.
"He just needs some time." she said with red puffy eyes.
"Do you care if I ask how she died?"
"No, she died when she went into the store to look for Daryl but then a herd-"
Right then taylor and I start running. We were screaming Daryl. Until we found him.
He was on the ground a knife in his hand a gun in the other hand....and a bullet hole through his skull.
"Daryl?" Taylor says with her soft voice cracking and tears brimming her eyes.
5 days later
Taylor's P.O.V
I woke up and got ready for my run. once I was ready I went to find Carl.
"Do you need anything while I'm out?" I ask him.
"What are you talking about I'm going with you." He chuckles while turning me to face him.
"That's perfectly okay with me." I say as I kiss him.
"I love you" my eyes grew big with those three words he just said.
"I didn't mean- I mean you're beautiful- I enjoy you- I mean-" I put my lips to his.
"I love you" I say as we head for a run.
This place was creepy! I could barely see! But there was a bunch of stuff. I felt something grab my wrist.
"Carl I'm trying to look for stuff" I say as I turn to see a zombie ripping the flesh from my arm.
"CARL!! HELP!" I scream as Carl starts running towards me. His face filled with anger as he killed the zombie before coming straight to me and ripping his sleeve off his shirt and wrapping it tightly around my arm before getting a ax.
He held the ax right above his head, ready to strike. A zombie out of nowhere takes a bite out a Carl's neck and started to rip his organs out.
"CARL!" I yell as I feel a hand grab me a pain in my neck distract me for half a second. This was it. The end of my long journey. The end of my life. My eyes dart back to the image of my one true love being ripped apart. I closed my eyes open them back up and get my gun.
One bullet
Three. Two. One. I took a breath in and shot and the zombie was dead...on top of his lifeless body.
He was dead.
That's when reality started raining on me.
I'm dying.
I'm gone.
I'm forgotten.
I'm alone.
Dead..... I open my eyes one last time before seeing the zombie fall on top of me.
"Carl?" I hear Rick say weekly
"Taylor?" I hear Beth say with other people's sobs filling the room.
That's all I remember. Before...
Gunshot in Carl's head.
I sobbed
"Please kill me now I don't want to suffer. Please!" I sobbed..

and there it was....


My last breath......

No more fighting....

No more sorrow...

No more laughter........

No more days with my family......

No more days with friends....

But I will be in a better place.....

Away from the sorrow...

I'm dead.

So this is the last chapter of adventures! I feel so bad for making you wait for a good update.. But to be honest, I had nothing to write about.... So I decided to stop the book. I didn't want to discontinue this book, (because of all the hate comment I would get) but I wanted to finish this book with a BANG. If that makes sense. I'm kinda proud I actually finished this book! To be honest I always threatened my best friend to discontinue this book so many I'm proud I finished!!!!
This is my longest chapter!!! So far it's 1052 words!!! I love you all for being there for the whole book!
As always

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