Flower Pedals

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"I called your name and you didn't answer. Everyone has left or died. I started to have a panic attack thinking of being alone....going through this alone." Carl grabbed my hand and said,
"I would never leave you." My heart fluttered. Wait. Why am I acting like this? I don't like Carl he's just a friend. I mean he does have nice eyes,nice smile, and a nice face. SNAP OUT OF IT! I don't like him, he's just simply my new friend.
"Um.. Are you hungry?" He says and I nod.
"Well I'll see what we have." He said while getting up off the floor. Great. That was awkward.
"Here ya go." He says while tossing me a can of peaches.
"Thanks" I say quietly
"Everything okay"
"Somethings wrong what's wrong?"
Oh, just the fact that I think I'm falling for you, and now everything is weird.
"Nothing it's just that I miss the way it was that's it" I say pulling a fake smile.
"Anyway..It's getting late I think I'm just going to go to bed" I say breaking the silence.
"Yeah, I think I'm going to bed after I get everything back in the bag."I just nod and head upstairs. Once I get into my room I take my shoes off and slide into my bed. Why am I acting this way. The beautiful flower I got today is across the room. I get out of bed and pick it up. Well here goes nothing.
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
he loves me not
he loves me
he loves me not
And with that the flowers pedal's pedals were gone. I should have known. So with that unpleasing thought I go to bed.
I wake up to Carl shaking me.
"What are you doing its likes 3 in the morning!" I say pulling a pillow over my face.
"I found Kayla, we were going to surprise you...but we have to go now there's a herd of walker coming straight for us!" He says wile i'm putting my shoes on and grabbing all of our things and shoving them into a bag. I run down to Kayla embracing her in a huge hug before Carl breaks us up.
"We have to go now!"we run out and already having to kill some. More came and then more. We were fighting so hard against them. Out of the corner my eye I see a walker heading for Kayla.
"Kayla look out!" I yell, but I was too late. The walker bites into kayla's neck. Kayla lets out a scream before killing the walker and falling to the ground.
"GO!" Kayla yells as all the walkers head towards Kayla ripping out her organs and eating her.
"KAYLA NO!!" I yell turning towards her. Carl grabs me and holds me back while there's a flood of tears spilling over my cheeks.
"We have to go!!" Carl yells while pulling me away from the gruesome scene of my best friend being ripped apart.
"No I'm not leaving her!" I yell through sobs
"It's not her anymore! Come one!" He yells as he drags me through the woods until we are a good distance away. I drop to the ground and just sob
"It's not okay! She was like my sister, my other half!" I yell as Carl gets on his knees next to me and pulls me into a hug.
"She gave her life for you. You have to live for her. She loved you." I sob as a feel a sharp pain in my shoulder as I see the walker being killed by Carl. "Look out." I say weakly as I see the walker bite Carl on the arm. And my eyes shut.
"Taylor wake up it was just a dream it's okay" I wake up, my heart beating a mile a minute.
"It seemed so real."
" it's okay. I'm here with you now, just go back to sleep"Carl says while laying down next to me.
"What are you doing?"
"Im sleeping here in case you have another nightmare."
"Oh" I yawn as I cuddle next to Carl, I don't think I'm going to have another nightmare tonight. And with that thought my eyes grew heavy and I went to sleep.
That was my 4 chapter I hope you liked it comment what you think of it.
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