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Previously on When Hearts Break....

It's the next day after the fight. Alice and Rosalie are currently cleaning Sophie up and dressing her for when she wakes up. Edward talked to Carlisle on why nothing was happening, but found out that she would be fine and wake up as a newborn vampire. "Maybe l was too late," Edward mumbles, still doubtful that he didn't save Sophie in time. "No, Edward. Listen to her heart," You can hear Sophie's heart beating slowly, then frantically, then steadily. Her heart continues to go in that pattern. Over the next few hours, the venom slowly starts spreading throughout her body, healing her. All of her bite marks made by Edward go away, her face and body plumping back up, her spine and her ribs basically sewing themselves back together. Sophie's once dull blonde hair soon turns into voluminous natural blonde shade that made it look like she just got it done at the salon. The dark circles under her eyes, her hallow cheeks all begin to fade as her lips turn plump and pink again. The Cullen's wait and wait. Alice and Rosalie both holding a baby. And that's when they hear it, the last final beat of Sophie's heart.

It's silent. Too silent. You could hear the birds chirping in the distance and the wind gently blowing.

Edward turns to look at his wife. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

Then her eyes snap open. 


When Hearts Forgive [5] ✔️ •Wattys2018•Where stories live. Discover now