Chapter 9

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Sophie's POV

It was finally Christmas, the day both the girls have been excruciatingly waiting for. I stand near the window in my dad's house, watching the snow with worry as it sticks to the ground. I smell Edward's familiar scent as he nears me, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "The snow is sticking," I murmur with worry laced in my voice. "Hey," Edward coos while turning me around to face him, his hands gently cupping my jaw forcing my eyes to meet his. 

"We still have today,"

I watch as Sue helps my dad clear up the kitchen. Bella was in the living room with Leah, Seth, Jacob and the girls. She had given up on Jacob a while ago and was apparently dating some girl she met at the diner. Oh, yeah, I probably should have mentioned that Bells came out as bisexual a few months ago. "I'm so glad my dad found somebody to take care of him," I quietly say to Edward as I gaze at the semi-newly formed couple. "Sophie," Edward whispers, gripping my chin and turning my face to face him, "no one's giving up here," He tells me as my dad comes walking back into the room. "All right! Present time! Let's go! Seth, Leah, stop eating. Jack, you start. Get it going," Dad urges as we all pile into the living room. Edward sits down on the single cushioned chair while I sit on his lap. Jacob passes a small present to Renesmee. I hear Seth and Leah bickering back and forth about getting or not getting presents for one another as I sit and watch Renesmee open her gift from Jacob. "Don't worry Sethy, I got you something!" Karlie squeals while jumping into his lap with the present she wrapped herself. The paper was white with red and green polkadots and a large silver bow on top. 

"Well, Dad, we didn't have time to wrap yours, but here it is," I tell him as I give my dad a pieve of paper. He looks at it weirdly before opening it. "It's a 5-day fishing trip to Fraser River. It's for you and Sue," I add with a soft smile, seeing Sue take a seat on the arm of my dad's chair like I was with Edward. 

"You leave tomorrow,"  

"Wow, that's really nice. Thank you. Tomorrow? I can't leave tomorrow," Dad tries to protest but Sue stops him. "I made arrangements for you at work," I watch the exchange between the two of them. She smirks at my dad which causes him to raise his brows. "Sneaky. And extravagant," Dad comments as he reads what's printed out on the paper. I run my hand through the back of Edward's hair, feeling his muscles relax at my touch. "And non-refundable, I'm afraid,"

"You two trying to get rid of me?" Edward and I both go quiet, our eyes meeting one anothers, thinking he might have figured something was wrong. "Because it working!" Dad chuckles, "Fraser River. That means we'll be chasing Cutthroat," I roll my eyes with a smirk as him and Sue get into fish that they could possibly catch.  

As everyone goes into their own conversations, I move to the floor where Renesmee is sitting next to Jake, gazing at the present she had just opened. "Hey, beautiful. Let me see," Renesmee holds the bracelet out to me, seeing a little wooden wolf dangling from it. "Jacob made this for you? Wanna put it on?" Renesmee nods eagerly while thrusting the bracelet into my hands causing me to laugh. "It's so pretty," My little girl gushes as fingers with the bracelet. "It's really pretty," I confirm before turning to Edward who smiles. "Mommy! Mommy! look what Seth made me!" Karlie comes bounding towards me before plopping down in my lap, causing me to break eye contact with Edward. I see a painted picture in a carved wooden frame. Within the picture, there was a wolf, howling at the moon. But inside the moon, was a faint image of my little Karlie. I bite my lip trying not to cry even though no tears would fall. "Oh, baby, it's beautiful. Did you tell Seth thank you?" I ask her, seeing Karlie-Mae nod her head eagerly before getting up off my lap with the picture and over to Edward. "Look Daddy!" I watch adoringly as Edward picks her up and cuddles her on his knee and into his chest. 

"Oh, Bells, before I forget--" I'm interrupted by the sound of the door bell ringing. My brows furrow as I look to the door, hearing the slightest uptick in the persons heart beat. They were nervous. "Um...I've got it," Bella smiles sheepishly as she quickly gets up to answer the door. I look around with curious eyes, trying to see if anybody knew who was here. "Guys," Bella calls as she walks back into the living with a blonde gripping her hand, "this is Emma- my girlfriend," A large grin makes it's way onto my face as I notice how they look at each other. "Um, Emma, that's my dad Charlie, his girlfriend Sue- and her children Leah and Seth. Over there is my best friend Jacob, my sister Sophia with her daughter Renesmee, and on the chair over there on the chair is her husband Edward with their other daughter Karlie-Mae," Emma smiles at all of us as she tries to keep up with all the names. "Back to what I was saying!" I exclaim as I stand up from my spot near Jacob and Renesmee to grab the envelope from Edward. "We thought you could use a bit more sun," I half smile as I hand her the gift, watching her open it with raised brows. "I figured with Dad going on that fishing trip that you could use a little break from the cold," I shrug before I'm enveloped into a hug. "Thanks, Soph! But what about you?" I wave my hand dismissively, "Edward, the girls and I are going up to a little cabin in the woods. We'll have a blast up there, don't worry," And don't worry about the fact that we'll possibly be fighting about the Volturi because Irina has to open her mouth without even speaking to us first. 

"Just make sure you tell mom that I love her, okay?"


The moment you've all been waiting for...AN UPDATE!! It's short, but it's a chapter! I'll try to update the rest of this story by tomorrow night. Once again, I'm sorry for the long break with no updates and seeing as my college courses are starting back up on Monday, my updating times are going to be very limited so please bare with me! XOXO

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