Chapter 8

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Sophie's POV

"I'm surprised you took a break from Jedi training," Jacob says, letting out a loud laugh as I continue the drive to my dad's house. "If I don't take Renesmee and Karlie to Bella and my dad, they'll come to us. Not so great," I reply softly as I look through my mirror to see Karlie-Mae fast asleep in her booster as Renesmee plays with her doll. "I know, that's what you told Edward," I don't reply, realizing that Jacob was pretty aware that I was up to something.

"Whatever. I'm just glad to get away from all those freaking bloodsuckers," I raise my eyebrows, shaking my head with a disapproving look as I try to contain my smirk.

"I'm sorry. I know. They're the good guys. But come on, Dracula One and Two are creepy," Jacob's laugh is contagious, my facade finally falling as I laugh along with him. I missed this. Just the two of us, hanging out like the old times. But things were different now...I was different. I just hope Jake and I can get back to where we were before this happened. I slowly pull onto my dad's street, seeing Bella's orange truck in the driveway. It was honestly hard to miss since it sticks out like a sore thumb. Pulling up behind my dad's cruiser, I leave enough space between the cars so I was still able to get out, putting the car into park before unbuckling my seatbelt. Before I could even get out of the car, Renesmee is out of the car and is bonding up to my dad and Sue as they come out of the house. "There she is. Come 'ere," I hear my dad laugh before catching Renesmee in his arms and spinning her around.

I softly smile, getting out of the car to get a still sleeping Karlie from the back seat. Once I have her situated in my arms, with her head rested in the crook of my neck, I make my way up to my dad and Sue.

"Oh! Wow! Look at you. You've grown half a foot! Seriously. Like 6 inches,"

"Come on inside. Lunch is on the table," Sue smiles then turns and walks back inside. I could smell and hear Bella, Leah and Seth inside. "We've got a tree to decorate, huh?" Dad tells Renesmee who nods her head eagerly before running in the house after Sue, Jacob following close behind. My dad turns to me and I gently hand him Karlie. "She's been asleep for a little bit but she should probably wake up soon so she can sleep later tonight," He nods and looks at me expectantly as to why I wasn't following him. "I've actually got a few errands to run, guys. I'll be back soon, okay?" Jacob gives me a knowing look from the doorway before going inside to find Renesmee.

"Come on. Let's go,"

I get back into my Volvo that Edward bought me, even though I told him many times that I was very content with my Jeep, buckling myself up and starting the car before peeling away from the side of the road to begin my small drive to Seattle to meet with J. Jenks.

Alice's note gave me a new sense of hope. Maybe she had a plan for us after all. And maybe J. Jenks was the key.

I soon arrive to the restaurant that I was suppose to be meeting this J. Jenks at. I walk in through the doors and straight to the hostess stand. "I'm meeting Mr. Jenks," I tell the host who nods and shows me to the table. "Mrs. Cullen," Mr. Jenks greets. I haven't been called Mrs. Cullen has a nice ring to it. "Hi," I greet with a strained yet soft smile.

"I'm so happy you called. I always meet my private clients here. It's more comfortable than the office,"

"And it's more public," Jenks smiles. "What type of work do you do, J.?" I ask as I take a sip of my water, not tasting anything as it slides smoothly down my throat.

"Oh, you know, this and that. It's always different, which keeps it interesting,"

"Have you known Alice and Jasper long?"

"I've been working with them for more than 20 years. And my late partner knew Jasper 15 years before that. He is, uh, unusually well-preserved,"

"Yes, he is," I confirm while switching legs to cross over one another. I could feel myself getting antsy the more I continue to sit. "I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation," I want to raise my eyebrows in confusion but I knew that would give him a clue, silently letting him know I had no idea where they actually were. "He didn't tell you where he was going, did he?" I ask with a sliver of hopefulness, only for my shoulders to slack as he shakes his head. "No, no, no, he just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order,"

"I assume that his order is ready?"

"Of course. I've never been late with a delivery," Jenks slides an envelope towards me, I open the envelope to find forged passports and documentation for Renesmee, Karlie, Seth and Jacob.

"There a problem?" Jenks asks as he sees me stare at the documents for a long period of time. "No. My husband and I thought that we'd all be traveling together," I voice Edward and I's hopes that were now diminished. "Jasper said only four were traveling, not mentioning your husband and yourself. His instructions were very clear," With disappointment clearly expressed on my face as I put the passports and documents back into the envelope. "It's my mistake. Apparently, that's not going to happen,"

Alice's vision was clear. Renesmee and Karlie would both have a future. But Edward and I wouldn't be a part of them.


I watch as Renesmee goes to Edwards arms and he picks her up lovingly as Karlie uses her vampire speed to jump up on his back which causes him to release a deep chuckle. A sad smile makes it's way onto my face as I watch the encounter, knowing this would probably be our last normal family moment, before heading to both of the girls's rooms to pack a bag for them, with some money and a letter that I am going to write for each of them.

'My dearest Karlie-Mae'

'My dearest Renesmee'

'I thought we would have forever together. But forever isn't as long as I'd hoped. I know now why Alice left me clues. It was to keep you both safe. Everything the two of you, along with Jacob and Seth will need is in this pack. Jacob and Seth will protect you both. And he'll help the two of you learn about the Ticuna legends. I love you both to the moon and back. Eventually, one day, we will be together a family again.'

I finish writing up the letters to my girls when Alistair walks into the room. "It's a romantic notion, isn't it? That a righteous few can defy a great evil. I must admit, you even had me believing. For a moment," He chuckles, "well, good luck," Alistair turns and starts walking out. "You're gonna need it. Cheers,"


Authors note!
Finally what you guys have been waiting for!! What did you guys think? I know you said you wanted more chapters so I had to make this one a bit shorter than normal. And once again, thank you for being so patient with me. The fall semester is almost over so I will have more time to update!!

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