Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV

My eyes snap open, glancing around the room and taking everything in while sucking in a breath, feeling my throat tingle. My eyes zone in on the little particles of dust floating through the room, then glancing up to see Edward standing off to the side with his hand held out for me. No sooner did I get off of the bed that I was standing in front of Edward. I glance around a little confused but place my hand in Edward's nonetheless. Feeling Edward's hand glide up the length of my arm and towards my face, cupping it gently, my eyes close momentarily as my hand travels up his hard chest that is the same...temperature.

"So beautiful. We're the same temperature now,"

I then move towards the large mirror that happened to be in the room and bask in my new appearance. I was wearing a dark blue dress, my hair was done and my eyes were red. Right...newborn's eyes are red. Smiling softly at Edward through the mirror, I turn around feeling him place his hands on my hips as mine move up to his shoulders. I then pull him in for a hug, my eyes closing as I take in his scent that is a lot stronger now. He grunts softly, feeling his hands form into fists on my waist. "Hey, Sophie, you're a lot stronger than I am right now," My eyes open as I slowly let go, hearing him grunt one last time. "It's your turn not to break me," I smirk at him, pulling him flush against me as he lets out a grunt mixed with a laugh. " I love you," My eyes widen slightly at the sound of my voice. It's a lot higher than before...but not annoyingly high. "I love you," Edward mutters before placing his lips on mine. I sigh blissfully through my nose, even though there was no need as my lips move against his. There's no tongue in this kiss, just our lips puckered against each others. We slowly separate, images of my daughters flashing in my head. "Renesmee...Karlie-Mae," My eyes widen slightly as I look up at him only for him to laugh. "They're incredible," My smile grows wider if possible. I haven't seen my daughters in who-knows-how long. I'm ready to see them.

"Where are they? I have to see them,"

"Wait. Wait. You need to get your thirst under control," It was then that I noticed the dull tingle in my throat become a lot harsher, my hand shooting up to grip my throat. "Yeah, you'll need to hunt," With that we take off running to the woods. Everything looks so much clearer. I could see every little detail. Everything blurs past me as I continue to run, Edward behind me but he slowly begins to catch up. With a smirk, he passes me making my lips purse as I push myself faster. Not that I needed to push harder anyways. I see Edward jump over a fallen tree in front of us on the ground then down past the waterfall onto a new level of the mountain. Following his lead, I jump over the fallen tree and down the waterfall. The wind is blowing my hair back, my adrenaline pumping. This is such a rush. We run up to a higher point on the mountain, hearing Edward make a noise of excitement as we do so. He finally comes to a stop, his hands shooting out a grabbing my waist to help me stop. "Close your eyes," I do as told, feeling him slowly turn me so my back is against his chest. "What do you hear?" I listen to what's around me, hearing an owl hooting, a squirrel squeaking and some strange snorting. I feel the wind pick up and my eyes snap open. I run to where the animal was at, slowly crouching down on a big boulder as I quietly watch the deer closely. I turn to look at Edward, feeling my upper lip raise at the faint smell of the animal. He nods at me to which I then turn back around to the deer. I'm about to lunge when another scent is blown through the wind. Slowly standing up, my chest heaves at the smell of the human a few miles from here. The wind continues to blow the human scent through the air making my hands clench into fists. And that's when I smell it...blood. Grunting I jump off the boulder. "Sophie, don't!" I hear Edward tell me but I'm already running towards the scent. I then jump up onto the large mountain, my nails digging into the rock as I begin climbing up high. I smell Edward's scent as well, but I'm more focused on the human blood. I then reach a little opening and stand in there, my hands banging on the rock wall in frustration. "Sophie, stop! I'm sorry, I didn't realize there'd be people this far from the trails," My lips purse as I try not to breathe, the unknown human continuing to climb above us. I grunt wildly, just wanting to go up there and rip his jugular out and drain him dry. But I fight the urge. "I have to get outta here," I growl while taking a step forward. Edward nods at me. "Okay, I can help you," I don't listen and jump down on my own, feeling the wind blow my hair up as I descent to the ground. "Or not," I hear Edward say as I touch the ground.

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