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Michael's POV

I walk down the busy streets of Gotham minding my own buisness.

There isn't much here where I live. Its seems normal and all except there is a lot of crime around here. A lot of people believe one thing, that the crimes are all seperate and have no connections what so ever, but I think otherwise.

I believe in another thing and that thing is named Joker.

People don't believe me, they say that the Joker is gone for good, that they took care of him, that he's probably dead somewhere.

Well he's rather much alive I can tell you that. The government tells these people these things to not scare them because they wouldn't know exactly how to handle the city in panic.

I'm not obsessed with the Joker really. Im just obsessed with the reality of things. I'm not so smart either so don't expect me to hack in computers to know Joker's where abouts because I just know, somehow.

I figure things out one way or another. Joker used to be held away from the city but some love stuff happened and he's free. Who freed him? His therapist Haileen?, or was it Helen? I cant even remember her name all I know is that she changed it and now he's free somewhere causing danger to the city.

I try to stay calm and sometimes I wish I could do something to help but no I'm no superhero. I'm not that type, I steal things here and there but it's only for my survival.

I live alone in some crappy apartment but it will do.

As I look up, nearly bumping into someone, I see the newspaper stand filled with papers on a recent news.

Someone set nearly the local museum to ashes. Just yesterday someone was robbing the bank and setting up bombs in every corner.

Another day, another crime.

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