(Hi everybody! Just wanted to say thanks for reading! The entire story is not sorority involved like this! I'm just introducing things right now! Harry becomes more prominent in the next chapters, so stay tuned! Vote and Comment? Thanks!!)
The last of our girls finally left, and Serena and I stood outside. A couple of frat boys walked by and whistled at us. Of course we winked back and Serena almost flashed them.
"What a day..." She mumbled, smiling and out of breath.
"Still hungover?" I laughed, patting her shoulder.
"Just a bit."
Serena and I were like real sisters. We hadn't known each other before I became a freshman last year, but now we were practically inseperable. She, surprisingly, was one of the most logical thinking ones around here.
"Now we have to go through these and make the first cuts."
I looked at the large stack of folders in her hands. Just the thought was exhausting.
"Guess we better get to that. Lets make it quick; I need some extra sleep tonight."
Linking arms, we walked back up the large, white, marble steps into the massive sorority house.
The next morning, I woke up to Beyonce playing throughout the house. As I glanced at the clock, I realized that our first set of callbacks would be arriving in less than an hour.
Yesterday we had over two hundred girls come by for information and short activities. Today, we cut it down to 75. Tonight, we would be taking them to a toned down Frat party up the road to see how they would do. Basically, you fuck up, and you're out. Slowly, we start cutting our numbers down.
Walking downstairs, I found Serena in the kitchen calmly eating some yogurt while girls rushed around to get last minute things set up. Most of the girls here were put in this same position when they were first pledging their freshman year. My spot was practically guaranteed at the time .
When people started to arrive, I put on my best smile and got through the afternoon. Most of my energy had to be saved for tonight. It was going to be a long one.
"Alright girls! This is the moment I assume most of you have been waiting for! We started off with large numbers and now it's down to the seventy-five of you. Tonight, we will be attending a party at the Kappa Phi fraternity house."
I smiled as all the girls around the room started whispering and getting excited. Sometimes I wish we could keep them all, but tradition overrules in this case, and there aren't enough rooms in the house.
"You now have one hour is go back to your dorms, change and meet us at the house. Anyone not there on time will immediately not be invited back tomorrow. Your time starts...now."
They all got up and started running for the doors. We made sure not to get in their way as they excitedly chattered about what they were going to wear and what boys would be there.
"This is going to be fun."
I looked over at Annabelle's smirk and chuckled. This party wouldn't be half as exciting as our regular ones, but we had to start somewhere.
At two-minutes before the hour was up, most girls had showed up and checked in with us. As they arrived, they were allowed to go inside. The sun had already gone down, and the music was blaring from inside the house.
When the hour was up, there were only ten girls who hadn't made it in time and didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. Serena, Annabelle, and I made our way inside and closed the gate.
The inside of the house was full of cigarette smoke and the harsh scent of booze, but it still felt pretty lame compared to the party from two nights ago. Girls and guys were already getting pretty drunk and it wasn't even after eight. You could tell exactly who was a pledge.
I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a red cup. I found the cooler marked with a blue dot and filled my cup with water. We wouldn't be getting drunk tonight.
Louis, the president of Kappa Phi, spotted me and walked over.
"Louis!" I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Nice party," I said, sarcasm obvious on his tongue.
He smiled down at me and looked at the specially marked cooler.
"I see you found the alcohol," he joked. All of us were in on it except the pledges.
"Best drink I've had yet." I winked at him and he bit down on his lower lip. I've slept with him before. His dick isn't as big as you would think.
A curly, brown-haired boy with two arms covered in tattoos caught my eye and I nearly choked on the water in my cup. Louis followed my gaze and laid eyes on him too.
"That's Harry. He's one of our pledges. A third year transer. Really cool guy, just moved here from England. Total badass, and not the fake kind either," he laughed and I smiled.
I didn't really care about Harry, but when I saw him at my aunt's house yesterday morning, he said he wouldn't be pledging to any fraternities.
"Oh. Cool."
Something crashed in the other room. Louis just groaned and excused himself to go see what was happening.
Harry made his way over to me. He caught me staring at him and smiled before looking down again.
I thought he was going to walk right up to me and start talking but instead he grabbed a red cup and went for the cooler marked with the blue dot.
"No! You don't want that stuff, it's gross," I tried to say in protest of him grabbing the water.
He grabbed my hand, sending chills up my spine at his cold touch, and moved it aside.
"I know all you're fucking tricks, okay?" He chuckled, filled his cup up and taking a sip.
"It's water," he said, obviously knowing what it would be before he drank it.
"How did you know?"
He shrugged his shoulders and smirked at me again.
"I told you. I know all of your tricks."
I crossed my arms across my chest and glarred at him. He thinks he can just walk in here and mess things up. He could easily go into the other room and tell everyone.
"You said you weren't pledging any fraternities the other morning," I said, annoyance clear in my voice.
"So I was right about you. You are the same girl. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you when you weren't fighting an obvious hangover."
My mouth nearly dropped open.
"But to answer your question, if you want to call it that, I changed my mind."
He refilled his cup with water and turned on his heels.
"Enjoy the rest of the party...Holly."
I watched Harry walk back out into the room full of people.
"Who was that?" I was brought back to reality at Serena's comment.
"Nobody," I snapped.
She sipped on her cup of water and looked down at the list in her hands. I could see several more names crossed off.
"Most of them seem to be doing pretty well. It's going to be hard to cut any more."
"I know," I half mumbled. I could only half pay attention to what she was saying. The other half of me was thinking about a particular asshole named Harry.
Hopefully he would fuck something up and Louis would cut him soon.

Homecoming [Harry Styles] *NEW*
FanfictionInk your words on my heart so I can remember them forever. Whisper sweet nothings in my ear until you're the voice inside my head. Holly is a sorority girl with a reputation. Louis is a frat guy with a good boy front. Zayn is an art student from...