Walking back into the house, I threw my bag on the couch and fall down onto the mass of pillows. Having morning classes is nice because it frees up my afternoons, but it's a pain in the ass to wake up in the mornings when you'd rather sleep till noon.
"Rough morning?" One of the girls, Kelly, asks as she sits next to me with a smoothie. The smell makes my stomach growl.
"Not really. Just tired." I was up super late last night getting homework done since I'd stayed out so late with Louis and Harry. I'm sure you could see the dark circles under my eyes from a mile away. Not to mention, I still didn't have my phone, so I'd have to drive to Louis' and get it back from him.
"Mind if I join you?"
I shook my head. She joined me on the couch as I flipped through the DVR to the most recent episodes of Teen Wolf. I was up to date on everything already, which was annoying. Finally, I just stood up and headed to the kitchen. I hope Kelly didn't think she was irritating me. She was a lovely girl.
The only thing in the entire kitchen was a box of cereal and somebody's leftover salad. I nearly groaned out of frustration.
The bell rang from the front door, which was weird. Normally we didn't have anyone ringing it unless one of the girls lost their key or the police were here. Neither occured very often.
Nobody seemed to be jumping up to get it, so I headed to the front door. Down the hall, I could hear somebody had already opened it, so I got ready to turn around and go stare at the empty kitchen again.
"Is Holly here?"
My ears perked up at the sound of my name; especially coming from that low, mesmorizing voice.
"Uh yeah, I think so. Do you want to come in? I think she's in the kitchen." It was Serena. Dammit.
I heard his footsteps enter the house and I bolted back to the kitchen, nearly sliding in my socks. I pretended to be occupied with the box of cereal, but it was overall pretty unimpressive. Harry entered in, and surprisingly, he looked pretty normal for once, or as normal as Harry could look. He wore a green button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top buttons undone, revealing his chest, along with tight blue jeans and brown boots. Harry lifted the sunglasses from his eyes and rested them on his mass of hair. The green color of his shirt made his eyes pop...
"Oh-uh, hi Harry. Surprise seeing you here..." I tried to seem interested on the cereal label. He walked over and removed the box from my hand.
"You're such a goof," he laughed as he set the box on the counter and slid my phone into my hands.
"Wow, thanks Harry." It felt good having it back in my hands. It was weird being deprived of all the group chat messages and Twitter.
"No problem. I found it when I got home last night, and I figured you would probably want it back..."
He was being nicer than usual, which was odd. I expected him to say something crude, mean, or sexual, but the words never came.
"Did Louis get home alright?" I asked, my arms crossed against my chest as I leaned on the edge of the counter. Harry just nodded, saying nothing more about Louis.
"Cool... Well. I'm starving and you can see that we have nothing in this house, so I'm going to go out and get something..." I began to turn and walk away from him. I had no idea what to say. His footsteps began to make their way out of the kitchen, but my conscious wouldn't let me drop it.
"Harry!" I turned and watched his head pop back through the kitchen door.
"Do you want to get some lunch with me?" I sounded defeated, overcome by my own damn head. Or was it my heart? Either is total bullshit.

Homecoming [Harry Styles] *NEW*
FanfictionInk your words on my heart so I can remember them forever. Whisper sweet nothings in my ear until you're the voice inside my head. Holly is a sorority girl with a reputation. Louis is a frat guy with a good boy front. Zayn is an art student from...