~*Joe's POV*~
" You did good tonight, boys!" I shout to them over the screaming fans, patting each of them on the back as they come off stage, sweaty and breathing heavy.
I then jokingly pat Dean on the back as he follows the boys off, who has only been stood in the corner of the stage with an over sized camera the entire time.
We have to leg it across the lobby as to get in the elevator before all the fans begin to pile out of the auditorium. The boys just have enough energy left to make it to the lift in time. I click on number 3, and the elevator begins to move a couple of seconds after the doors close.
We exit the lift once the doors open and trunddle down the corridor to Dean and I's room. I knock on the door.
" It's open!" A female voice calls from inside the room. I think it's Becky.
I push it open and Becky is stood over the kettle with Brad's steam bong sat on a towel in front of her. She is in the process of pouring in the boiling hot water and carefully pushing the cork stopper on the top. She wraps the towel around the bottom and carefully places it in Brad's arms, being cautions not to burn either of them.
" You are an angel." He tells her before planting a kiss on her forehead, cupping his free hand around the back of her neck.
He sits on the edge of the bed with his tea pot cradled on his arms, breathing in the steam every now and then from the thick plastic straw on the top.
He smiles at Becky one last time before sucking in another breath of steam.
" I'm just gonna pop next door for a quick bath." Becky announces, and with one last glance at Brad, she leaves.
At that point, Sammy walks into the room from the bathroom and kisses Connor. We all look away and jokingly make wretching sounds.
Sammy giggles and we take that as a cue that they've finished and that it's now safe to look.
Tris sits on the bed and turns the TV on, and 'Breaking Bad' is just starting!
We push the two single beds together with the double bed and we all squeeze on.
" I'm gonna go see if Becky wants to watch it, too." Brad tells us, standing up with his steam bong and leaves the room. I smirk as he leaves the room, knowing fall well they won't be back for at leave an hour.
~*Bradley's POV*~
The door is on the latch, so I let myself in and sit down in the middle of the double bed with my legs crossed, still breathing in the steam every once in a while.
I pull my phone out of my rear jean pocket and start flicking through Twitter. No new feeds. Instagram. No new feeds. Facebook. No new feeds. I sigh, dropping my phone in the bed in front of me.
I turn the TV on and take another breath of steam. I start scrolling through the TV guide. I hear the 'flick' of the bathroom door unlock and Becky comes out.
She has her hair tied up in a messy pony tail, trailing down between her shoulder blades and down her back. She has on a pair of light grey Jack Wills shorts and a white strapy vest. She smiles when she sees me and I return her smile.
Becky crouches down in front of her bag and pulls out a pair of light grey and light pink Jack Wills shoe liners. She sits on the edge of the bed and starts pulling them on. I crawl off the bed and place my bong down on the dressing table.
" I'm gonna go have a quick bath." I tell her, unzipping my suit case and digging around for my grey joggers, my plain white t-shirt and a clean pair of boxers.

Wild heart - Bradley Will Simpson fan fiction
FanfictionWhen Becky and her bestfriend, Sammy, go to see The Vamps, they don't expect to be asked to meet them. Becky and Brad seem to fall for each other straight away and always have to be touching. Will it all be plain sailing, or will there be problems i...