~*Becky's POV*~
Mum and I sitting opposite each other at the dining room table, both staring at the letter in between us, that is addressed to Miss R Montgomery.
" Open it then." Mum urges, not being able to keep still with excitement.
" I'm scared. What if I haven't passed?" I turn the letter over in my hands before putting it back down.
" Then you'll just have to keep retaking the test until you do. " My mum smiles in response, trying to reassure me.
I nod and pick up the letter. I take a deep breath before I reluctantly tear it open.
I skim read the letter and look up at mum, in complete shock. " I've passed..." I half whisper in surprise. " I've passed." I repeat again, starting to believe it more. " I've actually passed my driving test!" Mum practically jumps over the table and envelopes me in her arms.
" I'm so proud of you," Mum whispers and kisses my cheek. " First thing tomorrow, we'll go into town and possibly get you a car."
I hug mum tighter and thank her. " I'm going to go and freshen up before we pick Sammy up." I tell mum, finally pulling out of the hug.
" OK, darling." Mum replies, kissing my cheek again.
I make my way to my room and have a quick shower. I don't bother washing my hair as it always takes forever and a day to dry it and I don't have long before I need to call a taxi to come pick Sammy and I up to go to the airport.
The boys are coming home from LA today... I haven't seen Brad in a week and I can't get his smile and the thought of his lips on mine out of my head... Cringey, I know.
Anyway, I get dressed into some clean clothes and put my make up on, even though Brad hates me wearing it... But if I'm going to be seen by the general pubic today, I don't have much of a choice.
I pull my iPhone off its charger and stuff it into the pocket of my dark grey ripped skinny jeans. I leave my room and wonder through to the living room to find mum sat on the sofa with her Mac book on her lap. " I'm going to go wait outside for the taxi to turn up now, mummy." I inform her, waking into the lounge to give her a loose hug.
She looks up from her laptop to return my hug and smiles. " OK sweetie. I might not be here when you get home. I'm running into town to do some food shopping for the week."
" OK. See you later mum." I say as I turn to leave, typing in the number for the taxi into my phone.
" Oh, Becky!?" My mum calls after me.
" Mmm?" I walk back into the living room, just in time to catch the set of car keys flying through the air. Mum grins at me and I grin in response.
" Take the Land Rover. It's on the drive. I'll take the one that's in the garage when I go out."
I jog out of the house, shout an ' I love you' back to mum and scoop my house keys out of the bowl on the dining room table on the way out, also picking up my new drivers licence! I unlock the black Land Rover and climb in, pushing the keys into the ignition, super excited about being able to drive by myself without a driving instructor for the first time.
I drive the 10 minute drive through the wood surrouned roads to Sammy's house.
She's shocked but pleased for me when she finds out I have passed my test and now have my driving licence. I turn the radio up loud and we both sing along to each song that plays as we make our way to Heathrow airport.
" You ready?" I ask Sammy as I kill the engine once I park up as close to the entrance as possible.

Wild heart - Bradley Will Simpson fan fiction
FanficWhen Becky and her bestfriend, Sammy, go to see The Vamps, they don't expect to be asked to meet them. Becky and Brad seem to fall for each other straight away and always have to be touching. Will it all be plain sailing, or will there be problems i...