~*Dean's POV*~
Brad and Becky walk in a few minutes after the others. They sit cross legged on the floor in the little free space there is left, so close they may as well be sat on each other's laps.
" Brad, Chicken Curry. And Becky, chicken Korma." I pass them their plates with a set of cutlery each and they happily dig in straight away.
We all chat and have a laugh while we eat our curry's, like we usually do. But I notice Becky isn't acting herself; she's just sitting there in silence, just slowly eating and pushing her food around her plate with her fork.
I gathered that she wouldn't want to talk about it, not now, in front of everyone so I left her be. I think Brad also noticed something was wrong, but I shook my head when he gave me a questioning look.
We finish up our dinner and leave our dirty plates outside the door on the tray ready for room service to clear up. Sammy, James, Con and Brad leave the room almost immediately, but Tris stays in concern, who has obviously noticed Becky's strange behaviour.
He sits down cross legged on the floor next to Becky and places his hand on her knee, making her look up at him. She gives him a half-hearted smile, and Tristan tries to return it.
" You alright, Becky?" He asks, his voice dripping with concern.
She nods, brushing the side of her nose and looking down at her lap, watching her dancing fingers.
I chuckle quietly to myself and move myself to the floor and sit in front of her.
" You're lying," I smile at her. She looks up and gives me a puzzled look. " It's the same with many people. When you brush the side of your nose, it really gives it away."
She smiles a little; a smile that lasts about 2 nano-seconds before she sighs. " What's up?" Tristan questions her, nudging her slightly with his shoulder.
" He drives me crazy..." She confesses after a while, probably more to herself and in an almost inaudible voice.
" Brad?" I ask. Did I really just ask that!?
" As if it isn't obvious!" Tristan raises his voice at me, slapping my shoulder with the back of his hand.
" Shit! I interrupted you when you were about to kiss, didn't I?!" I slap my hand on my forehead and groan at myself.
She nods, nervously rubbing her hands together in her lap.
I feel terrible...
" Dean! You faggot! Can you not see they're mad about each other?!" Tris gives me the death stare so I look down to escape his glare. Boy, he can be intimating when he's angry. " Look, you go lie down, and I'll talk to Brad, I mean, if you want me to? And I'll sleep in here with Joe and Dean to give you guys some space."
" But you snore!" I moan, using my arms like a 5 year old to express my annoyance.
Tris puts his index finger up not shush me, causing a giggle to bubble from Becky's lips. " You should have thought about that before you tried preventing the inevitable from happening." He shakes his finger at me and Becky can't control her giggles. At least he cheered her up. I smile down at her.
" Thanks, Tris," She hugs Tristan and stands up. " I'm gonna go to bed now. I'll see you lot tomorrow." She gives me a quick hug too and shuffles out of the room, gently closing the door behind her.
~* Tristan's POV*~
I get the lift down to the lobby after checking Becky is all tucked up in bed, finding the boys and Sammy sat in the lobby with a drink each and laughing and joking with one another. They look up when they see me approach and James moves along the sofa, making space for me to sit down.

Wild heart - Bradley Will Simpson fan fiction
FanfictionWhen Becky and her bestfriend, Sammy, go to see The Vamps, they don't expect to be asked to meet them. Becky and Brad seem to fall for each other straight away and always have to be touching. Will it all be plain sailing, or will there be problems i...