~ * Sammy's POV * ~
Becky pulls up, rather hastily, into the car pack space that's as close to the main entrance to the airport as we can find. We both climb out of the car, almost completely synchronised, before grabbing our handbags from the back seats. Becky locks the car as we make our way into Heathrow Airport.
The journey here was almost silent and more than slightly awkward. Becky and I haven't been able to have a proper conversation since she told me about how she could be pregnant. I've been with her everyday since, as Brad doesn't want her to be alone while she's so fragile, but it's clear that Bradley is all she needs right now. It doesn't bother me that she doesn't want to talk, she's like my sister and I'll always be there for her no matter what. But we've always jokingly said I'd be the first one to get pregnant; it's so upsetting to see Becky in this position when she's always been so much more sensible than me.
The boys don't land for at least another hour so Becky and I have some time to kill. I don't bother saying anything to her, as rude as that may sound, but just take her cold hand in mine and guide her in the direction I intend to go it. We head up the stairs to duty free, where there a handful of branded shops that may sell the necessary items for a long plane journey; WHSmiths and Boots being two of them.
" Is there anything you need to get while we're here?" I question Becky as I check the time on my phone. I have to watch her for the response as I know it won't be a worded one. She shakes her head whilst looking at the floor, pulling at the loose thread on her hoodie with her free hand. " Wrong!" I sing as I pull Becky in the direction of Boots. She doesn't even say anything to stop me. I doubt she can find the energy.
I pull her quickly to the back of the store and as we approach the family planning aisle, Becky's objections begin coming in thick and fast. I ignore her completely as I look for the test that I think is most suitable and most reliable. A ClearBlue pregnancy test. Once again ignoring Becky's complaints, I purchase the test and shove it into my bag.
As we leave the shop, Becky takes my hand again, linking my fingers with hers in an obviously desperate need of comfort. I rub my thumb over the back of her hand as we both head towards Starbucks, clearly reading each other's minds.
Once our drinks are ordered and paid for, we sit opposite each other, in silence, at a table which is over looking the runway. Becky watches the planes take off and land as I watch her. She's really not herself, and it's worrying me. I'm worried about her. My thoughts are interrupted by my phone pinging from deep in my bag, singnaling an incoming text. I dig my phone out of my bag and open the text.
1 new message from - Connor Ball x
Just got off plane and collecting luggage. Where are you? xxx
I read the text twice as the pace of my heart increases dramatically, while I try my best to regulate my now rapid breathing. It feels like it's been months since we last saw each other. I text back with trembling hands.
1 new message to - Connor Ball x
OK. We're in Starbucks xxx
I send the text as I exhale deeply. I take a small sip of my lemonade as I watch my phone in my hand, knowing Conner will reply within seconds. My phone pings again. Why am I so nervous?
1 new message from - Connor Ball x
OK beautiful. See you soon xxx
I smile at his reply as butterflies erupt in my stomach. Knowing he's so close to me now causes my body to shiver and I can't keep the grin off my face. I lock my phone and slip it into one of the pockets in my bag, zipping it up and slightly moving the position of my bag. I take another sip of lemonade. " The boys have landed." I tell Becky after swallowing my mouthful.

Wild heart - Bradley Will Simpson fan fiction
FanfictionWhen Becky and her bestfriend, Sammy, go to see The Vamps, they don't expect to be asked to meet them. Becky and Brad seem to fall for each other straight away and always have to be touching. Will it all be plain sailing, or will there be problems i...