Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I wasn't sure exactly what would've happened had Derek not walked in the room. But I like it. Dani was not only gorgeous, but she was also witty, fun, and she had that mysterious element to her that intrigued me greatly. I followed Derek down into the kitchen, and I heard Dani behind me. I was curious to see where she and I would end up, since there obviously was a 'she and I'. I knew Haley probably thought it was all just playful flirting, but I felt something more. Maybe this was what it was like for Haley and Niall, immediate feelings. Love at first sight? Well I don't know about that one. I mean I fancied her, wanted her, but love would probably be a strong word for it. She just interested me.

"Care to help me with this, Hazz?" Zayn asked, walking through the doorway with a large box in his arms. I took it off of his hands and placed it on the kitchen counter. MICROWAVE was written across it messily in black Sharpie, and I started unpacking it as Dani came up next to me. I must admit, I was curious to see how she would respond to my reaction to Derek walking in on us. I felt as though we were playing a game, a game we were both good at. Right now I think I was winning, and I was anxiously awaiting her next move.

"Careful with that, that's how I make my meals." Ah. So she chose the innocent humor approach. Well, I felt kind of bad for just walking out on her. After all, she was two years younger, a fan it seemed, and had an alcoholic father. She seemed like she could handle herself, but I knew that inside she was delicate. So I decided to be polite and kind, I didn't want to hurt her. Maybe you could even call it romantic.

"I can cook real meals for you if you'd like," I whispered in her ear. Zayn and Derek were chatting away, so I figured they wouldn't notice. I saw her shiver a little and grinned smugly in my mind.

"Oh yeah?" she asked, turning to face me. Her brown eyes stared up into mine, making my heart beat a little bit faster. I was probably a good five inches taller than her, which I liked. She was cute when she was looking up at me. "What would you cook me?" I smiled, liking the sound of that question.

"I can make tacos... And pasta... To name a few things," I told her. She smirked in return.

"I'm 75% Italian. You're going to have to make some pretty damn good pasta to impress me," she retorted, almost challenging me. I smiled. Challenge accepted.

"Harry makes awesome pasta!" Zayn piped, joining the conversation. I moved away from Dani, trying to make it as subtle and unobvious as possible. I was half glad he was supporting the fact that I can cook, half upset that I had to put space between Dani and me.

"Thanks," I smiled. Dani was smirking at me. Was I not subtle enough? Could she tell I was unhappy about having to move away from her? Or did she just know? Did this mean she was winning?

*Haley's P.O.V.*

"Sydney and I are going to the beach, see you guys later!" Liam called as they walked out the door. Niall, Louis, and I waved from the couch, the closing of the door signaling a silence. Then I realized; I was alone with my two favorite guys in the entire world! Don't get me wrong, I love all of the boys with all of my heart, but I just had special connections with these two. I felt at home with them, no matter where I was. And right now I felt more at home than I had since my parents' accident. Ever since that, my home had never felt like home. I hadn't felt comfortable like this since then, but then Niall and Louis came into my life. Maybe things do all happen for one reason or another.

"I'm really happy right now," I announced from my seat in between them. Louis looked at me from my left, Niall from my right.

"Good," Niall smiled, making me giggle when he kissed my ear.

"Why is that, Haleypoo?" Louis asked, smiling at us.

"Because!" I explained, not caring how high or mentally challenged I might be sounding to them right now. "I'm alone with the two people who are the most special to me in the entire world!" They smiled, happily accepting their titles.

"Oh yeah?" Niall asked, "What did we do to deserve that sort of praise?"

"I just love both of you so much!" Yeah I sounded mental. Whatever. I was mental, mental with joy! "Like, I love you Niall. And Louis I love you like a brother. And you two are the only ones on earth I've ever trusted with all my shit. Thanks again for putting up with my hormones, by the way," I rambled, remembering all of the blubbering these two boys put up with for me. God, I loved them so much!

"Aww, we love you too, Halebale!" Louis exclaimed, hug tackling me into Niall. I giggled. That was another thing I loved about Louis: all of his stupid, random little nicknames for me. They both wrapped their arms around me, their love squeezing the life out of me. They simultaneously kissed me on each of my cheeks, and I returned them with kisses in their noses. "I must admit though, I feel a bit like a third wheel," Louis said, sitting up.

"You're a sexy third wheel," Niall said, earning himself a laugh and weird look from me. We were all pretty weird, weren't we?

"Why thank you, mate," Louis smiled. I giggled.

"And if anyone's going to be our official third wheel, I think you deserve the position!" I said truthfully. Louis smiled in return.

"I'm honored," he responded. Just then, Niall got up, leaving me in Louis' arms. He crossed the room to the umbrella stand, grabbed one, and walked back over to the couch. He ordered Lou to stand, and he did as he was told. Niall took the umbrella and tapped Louis' left shoulder, then his right, then hit him on the top of the head.

"You are now officially our designated third wheel," he proclaimed, making me crack up. I swear, Harry put alcohol or some shit in those pancakes. I was out of my mind.

"Yay!" Louis cheered. I'm convinced that we have the same mind, because then he laughed and asked, "Oh god, what did Harreh put in those pancakes?" I shrugged and shook my head, still laughing.

"So, what do you want to do since you're pancake-drunk with your two favorite people?" Niall asked me teasingly, sitting back down next to me. I thought about that for a moment. Usually all I do is sit in my room listening to music or go shopping... I knew Louis loved shopping, and I assumed Niall didn't mind it, but I'd save shopping for when Dani and all the boys could come. I tapped my chin for a few moments, and then got an idea.

"Do you have Scrabble?" I gasped, my face lighting up at the thought. They both looked at me a bit weirdly, then exchanged questioningly looks with each other.

"I'll go check," Niall said, walking over to the closet. I bounced in my seat in anticipation, squealing like a little girl. I really love Scrabble.

"Why are you so excited over Scrabble?" Louis asked, his confusion slowly morphing into amusement at my mentality. I didn't even give him and answer; I just shrugged a little and giggled. Then Niall walked back with a red rectangular box in his hands. I made some weird noises of excitement as he set the game down on the coffee table, shaking his head and smiling. I eagerly set up the board and retrieved the magical bag of letters.

"I want to go first!" I exclaimed, reaching my hand into the sack and pulling out seven pieces. O - V - E - N - S - R - A. I smiled at the lame word that was practically created for me as I randomly placed the letters on my little shelf. Next Niall chose from the bag, frowning at the letters he got. Lastly, Louis pulled out seven, smiling at his options as he set them out. I quickly spelled out my word, placing the O carefully on the star.

"Ovens," Niall read with a smile. I nodded over-enthusiastically.

"Yay, you can read!" I replied playfully. He stuck his tongue out me and I stuck mine out right back at him. It kind of failed though, because I was giggling. I picked out five more letters from the sack as Louis wrote down my score.

"My turn," he said, examining the board and weighing his options. He smiled and placed R - A - P above my E. Louis and I both started cracking up with him, high-fiving him for his interesting word.

"Okay Niall, okay," I sighed as my laughter subsided. He winked at me, making me giggle again.

"MY TURN!" Lou screamed excitedly, making his voice crack about three times in that two syllable statement. I laughed as his word formed. Predictable. He put H - A - R in front of Niall's R and tagged a Y at the end. He smiled proudly as Niall chuckled and I smiled, shaking my head.

"Daww," I replied, pinching his cheek. He made a face and pulled his head away from my hand, making me laugh again. "My turn! It's my turn now. Don't you know that I'm ready? It's my turn now, yeah I'm strong and steady," I sang as I mentally tacked my letters onto the board, seeing what I could make. Little did they know I was quoting a Disney Channel movie from a few years ago. I smiled to myself, remembering the jump rope movie that I had once loved as I spelled out OCTOPUS off of my previous O with my very fortunate letters. "Oh!" I exclaimed, knowing I was receiving many points for that word. Louis shook his head and updated the score board.

"So your octopus raped the oven?" Louis asked. I nodded vigorously and he smirked mischievously and placed W - A - T after my T from OCTOPUS. Him and Niall both started laughing, receiving a confused puppy look from me in return. "Aw, you don't know what twat means, do you?" Louis laughed. I shook my head, dumbfounded.

"Good," Niall concluded mysteriously, taking his turn. I was determined to know what it meant, so I flipped out my IPhone and Googled it. I read the definition and rolled my eyes with a smirk.

"Wow, Lou," I responded. He and Niall chuckled a bit more. This is going to be a very interesting game.

The game continued on for about another forty-five minutes. I won with a total of 147 points, Louis in second with 114 points, and Niall in last with a grand total of 96 points due to an unfortunate selection of three Q's and the one Z. He fake-pouted at the results, so I crawled over and wrapped my arms around his torso, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Aw, it's ok! Q's just don't like you," I comforted jokingly. He smiled and kissed my nose, making me scrunch up my face. He chuckled at my reaction.

"As long as you like me, I don't give a damn about what Q's think," he stated, making me smile at his stupid cuteness. I put my face into his neck and kissed it, knowing that it made him laugh. And, sure enough, he laughed in response.

"WELL ISN'T THAT JUST BLOODY ADORABLE?" Louis projected, probably feeling his role of our third wheel very powerfully. I laughed and opened up one of my arms, inviting him to join and make it a group hug. He smiled and tackled both of us to the ground.

"You like tackling me, don't you?" I asked, giggling breathlessly.

"No, he just likes being on top of you," Harry's husky voice came from the doorway. He winked as we all turned to him, and I rolled my eyes, smiling at his perverted joke. Dani appeared beside him, making me wonder what those two had been up to all day.

"I prefer being on top of you, pumpkin" Louis replied, being jokingly seductive. Harry smiled in return, walking towards us. Louis got up and opened his arms for a hug, leaving Niall and me lying on the floor.

"Aw, Boo Bear," Harry responded sweetly, walking into Louis' embrace.

"Wifey!" Dani called to me from the doorway, opening her arms. I smiled and ran into them, giggling as I did so.

"Honeypoo!" I exclaimed as we wrapped our arms around each other.

"NIALL!" the adorable little blonde yelled, wrapping his arms around himself and swinging himself around. I giggled at his Forever Alone moment. Of course, he wasn't actually Forever Alone; he would have my heart forever.

"Acting like me, are we?" Zayn asked, walking into the room with Derek at his side. Niall turned around and smiled at him.

"Zayn!" he shouted gleefully, opening his arms up.

"I know!" Zayn exclaimed in response, hugging himself as Niall just did. Niall's arms dropped and he put on a pretend pout, frowning at the floor. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, placing my arms on his shoulders and kissing him delicately on the cheek. He smiled and looked up into my eyes, the beautiful blueness of his stare practically making me swoon. He kissed me on the nose, receiving the same reaction as before. Little did he know I wasn't just crinkling my nose up because it tickled, but because he sent little electrical sparks through my nose. Which is a very weird sensation, let me tell you that.

I barely noticed the chorus of "Awww"s that came from the people around us. I was so caught up in Niall, in his embrace, in his touch, in his eyes, in his smile, in his voice, in his kiss, in the way his body fit against mine. Everything about him just entranced me and made the rest of the world disappear. It was like in the movies, when the main character sees the love of her life and there's an imaginary spotlight casted on him while everything around him blacks out. I had never felt this strongly about anyone, and I never wanted to let the feeling go. I truly didn't know what life would be like without Niall, and I didn't want to know. I had all I needed, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

I knew the storm clouds were finally parting. For the first time in a long time, things were looking up.




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