Chapter 2

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*Time Skip to when school ends*

*Ashton's POV*

When the bell finally rang at the end of eighth period, Mali and I walked out of the band hall together. Casually talking about the lack of practicing we for done earlier.

"Mali, I hate to say this, but I don't think we're ready for tomorrow. We didn't get more than 5 reps in this morning. The girls were more worried about the cheerleaders, than staying on beat. What if we just preform at the next pep rally instead, besides my riffle solo is no where near where it should be." I whined.

Throughout my little rant Mali just stood there staring at me with her arms crossed.

"Are you done yet? Because even if you're not, I'm going to stop you right there. This morning you guys practiced beautifully. The girls rocked their tosses and paid attention. As for your solo, I wouldn't have given it to you if I didn't think you could handle it. I don't just hand out solos and certainly not to Sophomores. Last year, you were the one who showed the most determination and skill. So suck it up buttercup, we will be preforming tomorrow and you will ace your solo." Mali sassed.

"Fuck you, your sass, and your ability to make me feel better!" I joked.

"Well I love you Ash, but I don't swing that way and neither do you." She laughed. Yeah, that's right Mali's a lesbian, only the guard knows though. She may be one of the most popular seniors, but unlike most she doesn't kiss and tell, her private life is just that, Private.

As Mali and I bickered about my capabilities, we were interrupted by a slim tan boy running up to us and pulling on Mali's arm.

"Mal come on, you know I have to be at the book store by 4:00. You know my book comes in today! Come on you can talk another time, I need to go!" The boy said, before running off to say goodbye to much paler boy with pink hair.

Before I could question who the boy was, Mali ran away after him, yelling something about texting me later. After that they jumped in Mali's car and sped away. "Odd, I never knew Mali had a brother." I thought to myself. Instead of wasting my time I decided to go look for Luke, so he could drive me home. I love my mom, but there is no way I'm waiting until 4:30 to leave this hell. So off I skipped to find my little Lukey.

I assumed Luke would either be in the band hall or in my mom's room, but no matter where I looked, he wasn't there. I checked the parking lot to make sure he wants there, but all I found was his car. so I wandered back inside to look for him. Maybe he had to stay late in eighth period, to retake a test or something. I thought to myself. So I headed to the 200 hall in search for my best friend. As I turned the corner down the 200 hall, I ran straight into the pink haired boy I saw earlier.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying at-attention." The boy stammered, while adjusting his collar before running off again.

All this running off, is really starting to make me want to lie down, and I'm not even the one running around! So I just continued to down the hall in search for Luke. Next thing I knew, the Chemistry lab door swung open, causing me to fall back onto the floor.

"Wait Mikey! I didn't mean to- Oh Ash, hey what are you doing here." Luke questioned with a guilty look on his face.

"Well, I was coming to find you, so we could go home. Then this pink haired kid ran into me and now you're hitting me with a door." I groaned while standing up.

"Pink hair? Did you see which way he went?" Luke asked looking around.

"No he just ran off. Why, is there something you're not telling me Luke?" As soon as I said it, Luke broke into tears.

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