two [ii]

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this chapter was co written by addi and me [tay]

rebel's p.o.v.

I rolled my eyes as the guy walked away. "He's not worth you time, Rebel." Lindsay patted my shoulder. I scoffed, "How do you know that, Linds?" She gave a good laugh befors replying, "His name's Zayn, He's my ex. He was such a laid back guy until he started bringing those boys to the club. Don't fall for him, Rebel. Please." 

"Pfft, I never took any interest in him anyways." I lied, cleaning a shot cup with a rag. "Good." Lindsay said firmly and left to go to a customer. "Zayn.." I mumbled, remembering his name. 


I was crepting up the stairs, trying not to draw attention to myself. "Where were you, Clover?" My mom asked with a strict voice while wearing a pink robe that was too big for her, along with her bunny slippers. "I was helping Lindsay at the skating alley." I made up a lie quickly and contiuned walking up. "You don't wear a chain saying, 'Rebel' to a skating alley, Clover." My mother grabbed my arm harshly. "Well I did." I shook out of her force and ran to my room.

"CLOVER!" My mother yelled. I locked the door behind me and took off the chain too hard, causing it to break, "Dammit." I said, throwing it to the floor. "CLOVER! Open up now!" She banged on my door. "Why?" I screamed at the door. "Because I am your mother! Now open the damn door!" She screamed louder than ever before. "I'm tired, can't we talk about this tomorrow?" I shouted, getting on my bed. "No, Clover Rachel Morrison, you will open this door now! We are talking about this right now, not tomorrow."  My mother banged on my door for the last time before I unlocked it.

"Clover, dear," She spoke in a quiter tone, "please tell me you were at."

"I was working with Lindsay." I said, and that wasn't a lie. 

"Oh well you should of called, Clovie." She walked over to me and started pinching my cheeks like I was a toddler. 

"Mom! How many times have I told you not to call me that?" I whined.

"I'm sorry, Clover. Now come on it's time for you to go to bed." 

"Mom, it's only 10 at night, what's the big deal?" 

"The 'big deal' is that you have to go to Sammie's birthday party."

"Ugh. Do I have to-"

"Clover, you going and that's final. I love you." She gave me a kiss and walked into her room.


I want a story, not a writer, Rebel 

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