Chapter 5 (II) The Grace Of the Gifted

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To be or not to be...

Born of Fire

Born of the Winds

Born of Earth

Born of the Seas.

As the calling that has been placed on your life

Let your graces guide you to your destiny.

The Chief D'Oro stood waiting at the entrance to the Graced quarters with a tall dark man who seemed more like a giant next to the short chief.

"I trust you are well rested," the Chief said, "heard of your little spat with the viper Princesses."

Adria could not stop her jaw from dropping, it hadn't been long since they left the dining room, and how did she know?

"In the Palace, gossips travel faster and I know everything that goes on in this domain." the Chief said. "This is Hakim," she pointed to dark giant." He doesn't speak much, but he is nicer than he looks."

Adria looked for Mikal from the corner of her eyes to confirm that she was still protected.

"Smile Hakim, you are scaring the Princess." the giant bared his teeth in an effort to smile, but cautiously, Adria took a step backwards.

The Chief took her into the Graces quarters and showed her the different sections. People came from everywhere to study at the Valngasian Royal Academy for Graces. The students of the Academy wore different colored robes depicting their graces, gifts or affinity, with different colored sashes around them. The chief D'Oro explained each color, the students wearing the red robes were generally called "Flamers", they had the Fire ability and they could either create, control, manipulate or wield it. The "Fluisks", also known as water tamers wore blue robes; the Earthlings wore the dark brown robes; the Aires with the ability to manipulate the winds wore silver robes; the Spell Masters wore grey robes and the Shrukei, which consisted of the physicians and body controllers, wore white robes with a head cap. The sashes around their waist depicted each individual's affinities and abilities, and specialty, while the robes showed their dominant Grace category.

Adria felt like a child in a new exciting world as they took the tour, she watched different students display their abilities, she entered their research and practice buildings for each Grace House. She could barely contain her excitement to discover her grace. She wondered what grace she had, it was a thrill. She hoped she had the ability to wield Flame. It was magnificent and beautiful. There seemed to be a hierarchy; the Flamers were at the top and the Spell Masters were ranked at the bottom. It was an honor to be graced, but deep down she wished for Flame.

"Are you ready to discover your grace?" the Chief asked.

Adria nodded her head," I am really excited to discover it."

"What grace do you think you would have?" Mikal asked.

"Fire, I hope for Fire," She answered earnestly.

"You do not have the temperament for fire," the Chief said, "I could be wrong, but you seem more of an Earthling or an Aires. Everyone always hopes to join the Elite Flamers. They believe they are next to Eloah's Princess in ranks."

As they turn to leave for the training center, Adria spies a building afar off, it seemed gloomy and dead.

"What is that?" She asked pointing to it.

The Chief D'Oro stared at it for a long time in silence, "When Valngasia thrived and Eloah was still with us, and the Oracle brought messages to us, the Royal Academy had a lot of graced students. Each student unique and special in their own right and ability to wield their grace." she sighed and closed her eyes as if reminiscing, "then we had the Casters. Their grace was so unique to the individual, not one had the same grace, and they were extremely powerful, swift and deadly. One caster had the potential to fall a whole army; at least that's what I was told. We barely had a handful of Caster students, but they were so precious to us, and not even the Elite Flamers could hold a candlelight to them. After the Great War, everything changed, they were either killed in the war or they were so drained of strength they never recovered. No one can enter the Caster building. It opens up for only casters."

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