Chapter 9 (II) Cut Cut !!!

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Adria winced as the whip lashed at her wrist. A welt formed before gradually disappearing and all that was left was the pain.

Lady Kill-me, or lady killer -as Selene called Lady Kileen secretly- smiled as the whip retracted to its base. They had been going at it for hours with no progress or results and Lady Kileen was getting frustrated.

She would be shamed by this child, she thought.

Spell mastery was not a grace -as Lady Kileen had been so kind to tell her- but it did require grace.

Spell mastery was the undoing of witchery, it was effective in negating witchcraft and returning everything to what was once true. It was the weaving of spells and the manipulation of the life around them. The gift was rare and very unpopular unlike being a caster, which was even rarer and a very popular powerful grace amongst the graced ones.

As much as she was grateful that she had the affinity for spells, she wished that she had a grace.

Being a caster would have been nice too.

In battles, the strength of a marked one, was the strength of ten graced soldiers, but right now she was a liability to the army, graced and ungraced. She had shamed the Princess line again by being the first marked one to not have a grace.

It was a shame that she didn't have a grace, but she was grateful that she had an affinity for spells. At least she had something now. She was not completely useless.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Lady Kileen raised her voice. "Watch and learn." she said. "Words are very powerful tools for a spell master. It is the quickest way for the earth to hear and respond to you, but there are other ways it will just take much longer." She turned to a potted plant that had been blossoming, then closed her eyes for a brief moment. "Shrivel up and die." She said firmly.

Gradually the plant shook, then it began to twist and dry up. It was like magic. Adria watched in wonder and raised her hands to applaud in excitement. Lady Kileen turned to her before she could clap.

"Don't you dare." she said, her eyes twitching in annoyance. "that is the basics for a spell master." Adria dropped her hands and watched the plant shrivel up till it looked dead. "Now I want you to undo what I have just done." Lady Kileen walked to take a seat. "The books I have given you to read and the lessons I have taught you, it is time to put them to use. This is spell mastery basics, my apprentices are usually done in a few hours. "

Adria sat before the plant and focused her whole being. She would undo what has been done to it. It was her gift and she would prove her worth.

"My Lady." Selene's soft voice broke through her concentration. "It is past dinner time, and luncheon was missed." she said, "the lessons have to end that she may rest and prepare for the next day."

Adria looked at her wondering what she was talking about, she had only been sitting for just a few minutes.

"I was about to end this shame." Lady Kileen said as she rose from where she sat.

Truly, it was dark. The sun had gone down and night had come.

"Watching her do nothing for the past nine hours of my day nearly bored me into none-existence." Lady Kileen said. "Your uselessness is astounding." she mocked. "my cats have more talents in their paws than you have in your entire being. This is the most anyone had spent in this phase. I will bring my cats tomorrow and they shall show you how it should be done."

Adria watched the retreating figure of Lady Kileen. She was indeed a shame. Couldn't do the basics.

"That was quite harsh." Selene said, "ignore her, she is Lady Killer after all." Selene helped her prepare for bed, but all she could think about was that on the morrow Lady Kileen's bloody cats were going to prove that they were much more worthy and gifted than her.

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