Chapter 6: Amorak and Thule

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Nini screamed, "Run! Go Get Gee!

"No need. I'm here."

Quick as a skinned cat, I sped down inta my cigam place. I mentally reached into my imagination bucket and thought of a super powerful stun gun. Freck chimed in from inside the cabin with a fortified enclosure. Gee did his thing by shockin' the gore covered beast inta submission, then dropped an unbreakable electrified cage over it. It lay there twitchin' on the straw strewn floor of the barn for a bit. Then it suddenly jumped up and wrapped its clawed hands 'round a couple a bars. The resultin' shock knocked it clean off'n its feet. That warn't enough. The beast pulled itself together like a football player gettin' up after a hard hit. With blood in its eye it rushed the cage ta break through. He hit with the force of his whole body. That was a big mistake. The electric current left black scorch marks on its white fur. It dropped down again. The floor's vibrations nearly knocked me over.

Would it try again? We waited and watched. It glared at us with those fiery demon eyes. Those was the eyes of murder, and mayhem. Thank the Gardener for Cigam. It couldn't break through, otherwise we would all be slaughtered like that poor horse.

I took a good look. It was huge. I guessed its height to be 10 foot, maybe more. It was covered top to bottom with white fur like a polar bear. This was no bear though. It had a muzzle more like a wolf with long rows of sharp teeth. It's snout opened wide enough ta swallow a full-grown sheep whole. On either side of its muzzle were tusks like a wild boar. Its fur covered ears were larger than a wolf's and placed at the sides on top of its enormous head. Its powerful chest was as massive as a Caterpillar truck engine. That's not to take anythin' away from its barrel sized arms and boulder hands tipped with five inch claws. The legs were not long but thick like the legs of an elephant. This was a creature built for crushin', and shreddin' its prey, not for chasin' it down. It had ta be cunnin'. Ta succeed it musta laid foolproof traps. Once it pounced and grabbed its victim, it was all over. Abominable Snowman seemed a far better name than Amorak.

Freck changed and joined us in the barn. Nini was doin' her level best to calm her livestock. They had felt it comin'. Now it was here. To them the cage made little difference. As long as they could see it they was scared ta death. Freck made the suggestion to cloak it's cage from the animals. Gee did. He left the front open so's we could keep an eye on the vicious beast, but her animals would not. It helped some.

"Do ya think this is the only one?" Freck asked.

Gee answered, "I think it is a scout. I am sure there are many others waiting to see what happens. They made their first gambit and lost. This will make them more careful, but if they discover a weakness they can exploit, you can be certain a full on attack will come."

"What the hell......!?" Boomed Captain Bobcat Haskins. He was the kind of a man who was used to givin' orders. I doubt if anyone had ever seen him flummoxed. At the first sight of our captive he took a step back, pulled off his pilot cap, and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Good Lord, what the hell is that?"

Nini said, "I believe it might be one of the mythical Amorak. Everyone in Greenland has heard about them, but no one that I know of has ever seen one. If it is one Amorak, legends say they hunt in packs, so there will be others near by. We were lucky. We were able to capture it inside an electrified cage. It has made two attempts to escape, but failed as you can see by the scorch marks on its fur."

The captain said, "That's the scariest damn thing I've ever seen and I've been face to face with an angry grizzly. If they hunt in packs, where are the others?"

"Maybe they sent one out as a scout," she said repeating Gee's theory. "The others could be waiting for its return. When it does not come back, just pray the Gardener keeps them from launching a full attack. I suspect though, that they are a cautious group. They have obviously been skulking around for a couple of days scaring the animals to death. Instead of rushing us they sent in just one of their number. That is a frightening indication of higher reasoning capability..

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