Chapter 10: Initiator

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I heard a collective groan from the hunters as the shot missed. Just second later another KABAM! This time followed by a cheer. Neither Freck or me felt much like cheerin'. We were grossed out, so we jumped back into the mind-meld. Gee was already there waitin'. He was hangin' his head. I saw that Freck was crying. We should'a been happy. Two bowheads would be delivered to the Amorak as promised. This would end the threat on the town and people of Nuuk.

We should have been overjoyed, but we warn't. I never-ever wanted to go on a whale hunt again.

"Oh, Gee," Freck mind-wept, "the whale looked me right in the eye before it was harpooned. I'm sure it mind-spoke to me. It sent just one word—why?"


For myself I didn't hear no whale speak, but I saw its lifeless eye. I tried ta reason it was necessary. It was, but I was shocked at the brutality. We all knew that comin' back empty handed would cause more loss of life. Is it right ta take two lives ta save many more? My head said we did the right thing, but my heart was fightin'.

Gee perked up and asked Freck, "You heard it mind-speak?"

"I did."

"I believe you have a rare cigam talent, Freck."

"I do?"

"Yes. All Cigam Masters can send communications to other species, but few can hold a real conversation. You were the first of us to hear the Amorak, and because you did, you opened a channel for us. You are what we call an Initiator. I can think of only two others with that special ability."

"Wow!" Freck exclaimed.

"That goes double for me." I said. "Wow, wow, and wow! Okay that's three, so it goes triple for me!"

Freck pursed her lips and looked down. "My ability didn't save the whale."

"It could have," Gee told her. "Had we known that you are an Initiator we would have taken an entirely different approach. We would have gone out the night before the hunt to where the krill are. You would have called out to them. I am certain they would have responded to your mind-call. Whales are reportedly quite intelligent. If they knew the word 'why' you could have initiated a conversation. Then Wishes and I could join in. If we had just explained our predicament, as intelligent beings they could have helped us with a solution. Maybe two older whales would beach themselves for our purposes instead of suffering the pain of exploding harpoons."

Freck said, "Even if they decided to sacrifice themselves they would still haft'a be killed. Right?"

"Of course, but the Inuit would prayerfully give thanks for the gift. Instead of a grenade harpoon, they would use a lance. Gently slipping a lance into the brain is much less painful. Dying would be a spiritual experience, instead of an act of excruciating violence."

Ya could tell Freck was feelin' a crushin' sadness, and red-faced shame at the same time. She plopped ta her knees in the cloudy mind-mesh, hung her head, put her hands on her face, and sobbed. Gee and I did our level best to console her. We tried, but 'cuz we felt the same way, it warn't easy. All three of us was broken up about sumpin' beyond our control. Even a cigam master cain't make time go backwards. At least Gee couldn't. What if there's a Master with the ability ta reverse time? Is there a limit to Cigam?


When I returned from the mind-mesh I was still in bed. Freck was sittin' meditation style on a mostly red, native-patterned rug, and Gee was lyin' on the floor b'side the bed. Apparently what we experienced in our minds was felt in our bodies too. I got up. I didn't know if I felt so drained by the powerful emotions or from the hypothermia. Either way I sat right back down. Freck still in her pj's moved her head side ta side ta loosin' her neck, rolled her shoulders, arched her back, extended her legs, placed her palms on the floor, then looked 'round the room ta get her bearin's. I was sittin' up with my legs danglin'. We made eye contact. I managed a weak tremblin' smile. Freck did the same. The heartbreak was too fresh for a happy one.

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