Chapter 25: Me-messenger

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We were supposed ta be on a grand quest. Grandma Chrys asked us to contact the Arianni people in Holl'a Earth. Based on Admiral Byrd's account they was  purty friendly folk. They cared about the earth and wanted Topside people ta live in peace. Heck, we wanted that too. The Keepers were hopin' the knowledge of the Arianni would mix with what other humans learned. It would be a new renaissance. Now, based on what I was learnin' from future me, that was unlikely.

Here we was in an impossible position. If we did nuthin', war would break out. If we did somethin', war might break out anyways. We had ta continue, but it didn't look so good. How was I goin' to explain all this to Gee and Freck? I was shakin' in my boots.

"Me-Messenger?" I mind-called.

"Yes, I'm ready ta continue if'n ya are."

"Ya said, 'well' then hesitated. What is the next problem we're gonna face?"

"This will come dang hard. Are you still sittin' down?"

"I sure am. Spill it."

"The problem is Gee. The future blueprints show, and they are purty far along, that Gee cain't accompany you and Freck."

"NOOO!" I screamed inside my head. "We're gonna fail if'n The Gee Team cain't be together. Why even try?"

"I'm sorry ta bring you this bad news, but Gee's accompanyin' ya drops the percentage of success down ta near zero. To give ya any chance, he hasta stay b'hind."

Ta think I was worried 'bout tellin' the team about all the other stuff, this news was a killer. I felt my insides a'churnin'. They couldn't overhear this conversation, 'cuz it warn't gonna happen for two more days. I wish't they was in on it now, so's I wouldn't hafta be the one ta tell 'em. This was one wish that warn't comin' true. Dang it all!

"Is that everythin'?" I kinda moaned.

"That's it."


The message stopped right short, like a door was slammed closed. I sat there for a minute, until I was aware of Gee's and Freck's eyes drillin' inta my head. Curse this 'bility. If I could give it back, I would've. It wouldn't take but a lickety-split ta decide. Cigam's gifts seem really cool at first. I mean who wouldn't want ta travel inta the past or future?  There are people, I'm sure, who would pay a zillion dollars if'n they could do it. I'd pay a zillion dollars (if'n I had it) right now, ta get rid of it.

Freck leaned over, took my hand, and whispered, "We've been watchin' ya. It doesn't take a mind-reader ta see yer worried. What'cha learned from the message ain't good, is it?"

I croaked out, "No, it ain't good. Not good at all." Tears welled up in my eyes.

After all the things we've gone through, this talk with my messenger was the worst. How could I tell 'em? It was like cuttin' ff an arm. Freck moved her chair right next ta mine and wrapped her arms around me. "There, there Wishes . . . she cooed, "whatever it is, we'll get through it together. You'll see."

"That's the point," I blubbered. "We ain't even gonna be together."

"What!," Gee was shocked.

I wiped my eyes on my sleeve.

Now that I was in the here and now Gee could once again mind-read me. He peeked inside my skull and musta saw all the confliction. It was so mixed up, that even the great Gee couldn't sort it out, I'd bet.

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