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We sat in the house later, I was pushing around a slightly cold plate of microwavable... substance. I didn't even know what it was, it was brown and sludgy and tasted something like potatoes. Sam sat down next to me and I stabbed my fork into the plate, not wanting to look at him.

"Hayley" he said softly, I didn't look up.


"We can't act like this forever" he mumbled, we'd not even said a word to each other while we'd been back together, I looked at him sideways and sighed, nodding. He was right.

"Listen Sam" I said "I'm sorry, I did want Dean back, more than anything" I sucked in a breath "But just after my mom and... I don't know I'd just lost faith in the idea of the ones I love coming back"

"It's okay, I know I shouldn't have yelled at you. We should have stuck it out through this, I ended up losing you as well as Dean"

"Are we done talking about out feelings?" I smirked

"Yeah" he chuckled, standing up and ruffling my hair

"But in the mean time, I think I have an idea" I said


It took us two hours to get over to Pamela's, she'd always been a friend since I was maybe about 17 and she'd saved my ass while I was hunting in her area. I figured if anyone would know something about what the hell happened to Dean - she would. When she pulled open the front door she grinned at me, she hadn't changed a bit. 

"Hayley Singer" she grinned , pulling me into a huge hug.

"You're a sight for sore eyes" I chuckled

"So these are the Winchesters?" she smiled

"Sam, Dean" I said, turning to them "This is Pamela Barnes, best damn psychic in the state" I said fondly

"Hey" dean said with a note of flirt

"Hi" Sam said politely

"Dean Winchester. Out of the fire and back in the frying pan, huh? Makes you a rare individual."

"If you say so" Dean smiles, I try not to roll my eyes. He was flirting, typical. He was most definitely back.

"Come on in" Pamela grins

She led us in and started to set up a seance, she spreads a dark table cloth covered in symbols on her small table. Sam and Dean stood awkwardly, not really knowing what to do with themselves. I start lighting the candels on the table while Pamela leans down in front of a cabinet, revealing the tattoo across the small of her back "Jesse Forever" - her ex, well it was more of a fling she's had a few years ago. I walk over and stand beside them.

''Who's Jesse?" Dean smirked

"Well it wasn't forever" she smiled

"His loss"

Sam and I shift awkwardly, she stops beside Dean and looks him up and down "Might be your gain" she walks over to the table

"I am so in" Dean muttered to Sam, who rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, she'd going to eat you alive" I mumble

"Hayley, I just got out of jail. Bring it"

Pamela sits us all round the table, which now has six lighted candles in the centre. I have no idea what I'm doing with this psychic stuff but she's a smart, badass and she'd do her best to help.

"Right. Take each other's hands. (which we do) And I need to touch something our mystery monster touched" she said, I see Dean jump and then flush slightly red

"Whoa! Well he didn't touch me there" he said

"My mistake" Pamela winked, I glanced at Sam who looked like he was trying not to laugh. Dean met my eyes for a second before pulling up his sleeve, revealing the huge hand shaped scar. I saw Sam's breath hitch as he looked at it. Pamela gentle pressed her hand onto the mark, and closed her eyes. The four of us doing the same.

"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle.

I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle.

I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." Pamela chants and as she does so the television flicks on by itself, showing nothing but static. "I invoke, conjure, and command... Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy."

"Castiel?" I said urgently

"Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back." she says, eyes squinting

"Maybe we should" I add quietly, she doesn't even listen to me

"I conjure and command you, show me your face

I conjure and command you, show me your face.

I conjure and command you, show me your face.

I conjure and command you, show me your face"

The room was now rattling and the white noise was becoming violent, this seems to worry Dad too "Maybe you should stop"

"I almost got it.

I command you, show me your face!"

Show me your face now!"

Suddenly the candles flare up several feet in the air and Pamela begins to scream. Her eyes fly open and are filled with a white-hot flame. She collapses, the rattling, white noise, and flames die out.

"Call 9-1-1" Dad yells, Sam scrambled from his chair and into the next room. Dad is already on the floor with Pamela, Dean is crouched over her. I can hear her sobbing but I'm frozen to the spot. I have a horrible feeling as I look over to Pamela, she's burned and bleeding. Her eyes fly open to show nothing but burnt, black sockets. I can't even move.

"I can't see! I can't see! Oh god!" Pamela continues to sob.


I sat in the hospital bed beside Pamela who was unconcious. She was stable and out of trauma but she would never see again. She had bandaged wrapped around her eyes. I sat stewing in my own guilt, I'd brought her into this situation. I knawed on my thumb, I should never of called her. She would never forgive me for this. I almost jumped out of my skin as she snapped awake next to me with a gasp.

"Pamela?" I said urgently

"Hayley?" she whimpered, holding her hands out to my face, I let her touch her hand to the side of my face, my eyes stinging with tears.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered

"Hayley, you have to tell your dad about the mark" she said

"How did you-"

"Hayley, you are what you think you are- read more about Griffins - dig deep" she said quickly, my hear hammering in my chest. A nurse came in then and ushered me out the room, leaving me standing alone in the hallway - tears spilling down over my cheeks.

The Poison Sky (Sam Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now