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I groan in pain, biting down on my hand as Sam sewed my leg up with stitches. It wasn't serious enough to be taken to the hospital so Sam was currently giving me 20+ stitches on a scar I'd probably have for the rest of my life as I bled on to the model couch. I whimpered as Sam poured whiskey on to my leg and he shot me an apologetic look.

"Sorry" he whispered and I shook my head.

"Thanks" I managed, feeling as though if I said more I'd spew all over the bed sheets. Sam held his hand out and helped me up, my leg just buckling under my weight. Sam quickly grabbed my waist to keep me up. He just tucked an arm under my knees and lifted, this time I didn't complain as he set me down on his bed. Dean had already passed put an hour ago, he wasn't for talking after what happened with the Djinn and had started snoring as soon as his head hit the pillow. I took deep breaths, my leg was white hot and I was seeing spots.

"I'm going to go down the the drug store" Sam said, grabbing his jacket "get you some pain killers"

"Thanks, Sam" I smiled as the door closed behind him. I just closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to calm myself down and just sending me to sleep.

I jolted awake to the bathroom door opening. Sam walked out with a towel around his waist and another drying his hair and I felt my cheeks absolutely burn as I shut my eyes quickly to not be caught staring. I sat up a minute later to make it look better, by this time Sam had at least put his jeans on. He smiled at me as I sat up and I desperately tried to look him directly in the eyes.

"Hey, are you alright?" he said softly "you're really pale"

"I just lost like a pint of blood Sam" I shot back with a smirk "not exactly gonna have rosy cheeks"

"Right" he chuckled as he pulled a grey -shirt over his head, he threw a bottle of pills in my direction "here I got the biggest dosage"

"You know me so well" I smirked, popping the lid. The pain in my leg had reduced slightly to a dull throb instead of the blinding pain of getting it stitched without painkillers and alcohol sloshed over it.

"You're tougher than nails, Hayley" Sam joked, handing me a glass of water to down my pills with.

"Oh yeah?" I asked

"First time I had to stitch Dean without a pain killer he fainted" he laughed "Twice"

"Well I don't crack easy" I smiled, then took four pills with a mouthful of water. He just smiled at me.

"You do look really pale" he said, with a smile he brushed a matted, dirk caked strand of hair behind my ear "you should get some sleep"

"Yeah" I nodded, a little flushed by his actions now though.

"I can just sleep on the couch" Sam said as I went to stand

"Sam, you're 6 foot 4, your torso barely fits on that thing" I said, cocking an eyebrow

"I'll be fine" he said sincerely and I rolled my eyes

"I don't bite, we can even make a do not cross line" I smirked and he chuckled "Scared of cooties or something?"

"No" he scoffed and I cocked an eyebrow, he sighed and gave in, walking round to the other side of the double bed. I scooted over to the very edge to give him room. He was a big guy. I curled into the sheets and I felt the bed dip as Sam laid down next to me. I could feel myself smiling as he flicked off the light beside him.

"Goodnight, Hayley" he said quietly

"Night, Sam" I managed, I could feel his breath trickling over the nape of my neck.


When my eyes flickered open there was light streaming through the crappy curtains of the motel room, my eyes focused on a sleeping Sam in front of me and my lips twitched into a smile. He looked adorable. His mouth hung open slightly as he breathed softly, a lock of his hair moving slightly with every breath as it hung in front of his face. I yawned widely as I sat up, Dean walked in from the bathroom and I smiled at him, he looked a lot better.

"Afternoon" he said, and my eyes flickered to the clock which informed me that it had just left 3 in the afternoon.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"As good as new" he grinned and I slid out of bed, stumbling slightly on my injured leg. I sucked in a breath at the pain and limped to get some more painkillers "Sorry about the leg"

"It's nothing, Deano" I smiled as I took my pills "scars make me look more badass"

"I dig a chick with scars" he joked and I laughed

"Yeah, scars really say beauty pageant winner don't they?" I smirk

"Morning" came Sam's voice, we both turned to see him sitting up in bed

"Hey" I smiled softly

"How's the leg?" he asked, standing up and running a hand through his hair.

"Better" I nodded "kinda stiff but I can walk on it, pretty sure I'll live"

"We should take you back" Dean yawned "Though I hope Bobby doesn't shoot me when he sees we let you get dinged up so much"

"If he cocks his gun just run, not in a straight line, throw some zigs and zags in there" I smirked, Sam and Dean both laughed. After I took a very careful shower and changed without knocking my brand new stitches, I took a comb to my hair and pulled it up into a ponytail before we left.

"Anyone hungry?" Dean asks after only 15 minutes on the road

"Starving" I grinned

"Correct answer" he laughed "I saw a diner on the way out, I think it's the next left"

"They do good pie there" I said, leaning back on the back seat of the Impala. It started spattering rain as we drove down, the window wipers of the Impala moving back and forth quickly. Dean pulled up in front of the Sunnyside Diner that was about 15 miles from the house.

"What do you guys want, I'll just go get it" Sam said

"Cheeseburger" Dean grinned

"Make that two" I grinned "Diet coke"

"Got it" Sam said, reaching for the handle of the door.

"Hey, don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Dean said, handing him some money.

"Dude, I'm the one whose gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions" Sam groaned, I giggled as Dean just grinned at him. He heaved a sigh as he climbed out the car.

"Hey, see if they've got any pie" Dean shouts after him and glaring at him, Sam slams the door "Bring me some pie!" he smirks "I love me some pie"

"Really" I muttered "never noticed"

"Oh shut up" he laughed and I smiled, about to reply when the stereo jamming interrupted me, Dean frowned, tapping at it before it completely stopped playing classic rock FM. I looked up to the diner and my breath caught.

"Dean" I choked and he followed my gaze to the empty diner. We are both out of the car in a split second and sprinting towards the diner. Dean burst through the diner and I felt myself gag at the sight.

"Oh god" I managed, staring at the dead people, one in a booth had his head down in a puddle of blood. Dean walks slowly into the diner.

"Sam?" he yelled, I took a step in and then saw a yellow power on the window ledge of the door. I sighed and turned to Dean, pointing it out to him.

"Sulphur" I sighed.

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