They Don't Love You Like I Love You

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Taylor's POV:
Tyler didn't come home last night and he's been ignoring all calls, texts, and voicemails. To say I was worried sick about him, would be an understatement. Our argument just keeps replaying in my mind.

The Louis Vuitton shoes and dress were sitting on the counter. They were beautiful to look at, but they weren't helping the situation. The fact that he went through all that trouble to make me feel special and I just assumed he was cheating makes me feel terrible.

I did jump to a conclusion pretty fast but who wouldn't if they heard that voicemail? It really did sound as though they were having sex.

I put down my cup of coffee and reached for my phone. Going through my notifications one more time, I found Jamie's voicemail again. I had ignored it the first time because I was too busy trying to talk to Tyler. I guess now is as good as a time as ever.

I pressed play.

"Look Taylor, I need help. I don't know what you have going on in your life, but Mark just came and dropped off this little girl at my door stop. I would really appreciate if you stepped outside of your own life for a minute to help me with hers...she doesn't deserve me back,"

My eyes bulged at the mention of Riley's little girl. It's almost been a year since we last saw Mark and her. We don't even know her name because it's like they just vanished off the face of the earth. We've tried to get in contact but since now, there was nothing.

That's what drove our friendships apart. Riley's baby was something that brought us together. Then, we never saw her again.

But now he wants to give her up. Who does that ?

I ran up the stairs and got in the shower. After pulling my hair into a slick ponytail, I pulled on some skinny jeans, a white T shirt, some thigh high boots, and a leather jacket. As I was putting things into my purse, I heard the front door close shut.

I quickly made my way down the stairs to see Tyler rummaging through the kitchen. He was wearing the same clothes he had worn yesterday. More importantly, he didn't look like he just went and had sex with some girl at the club.

He didn't turn around, as my boots clicked against the hard wood floor. I walked up to the counter and layed my purse down. He continued on with what he was doing, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"Tyler, can we please talk? Can you let me explain?" I started.

He gulped down the juice as I waited patiently for him to turn around and make eye contact with me. It took longer than I would've expected but, eventually, he put his glass in the sink and turned to face me.

He still looked angry.

"Look...I know I jumped to conclusions, but hearing that voicemail made me think that you were cheating on me. The way she was talking and ...saying how it was too tight...if you would've heard me on that voicemail, you would've thought the same thing, You know it. And I didn't mean to throw me moving out in your face so harshly... It was just in the heat of the moment, I blurted it out-"

"So you been plannin' to move out this entire time?" He interrupted.

I sighed and looked down.

"I was trying to find a way to tell you. Sindy left everything to me and I-"

"I don't want to hear it, Taylor," he said, walking away.

I followed after him in frustration. 

"What don't you want to hear?! I'm trying to talk to you and you're not even letting me
Do that! You want to stomp around and pout like we're 12 year olds!" I yelled at him.  

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