It Was Too Good To Be True

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In case y'all were wondering what Taylor looks like... There she is 👆🏾. Other characters? Check book one.
Yolanda POV
"What do you know about Marcos Martinez?"

"What do you have to do with him and his current operation?"

Questions, questions, and more questions that I didn't even know how to answer. They had me in one of those interrogation rooms that I thought were only real on TV. I was seated at a single rectangular table with one light source over my head. The walls were cement, painted a bland grey, and there was a huge mirror I was facing. Of course, its not actually a mirror, it's transparent.


I jumped up as one of the interrogators hands slammed down on the table in frustration.

"Leave me the hell alone!" I screamed at them. My mind was spinning. Within 10 minutes of finding out that I was having a baby, I'm taken down by the FBI for reasons they won't even tell me.

I stood and looked at both of the ugly men in suits. Their faces screamed anger, but underneath that, I could see that they were tired. Heavy bags clearly visible underneath their eyes and angry lines on their foreheads.

"YOU need to go get me some damn answers or I'm leaving!" I shouted at them.

"You don't run this-"

"Believe me when I tell you that I have watched enough of Law and Order to know how this shit works. You want to get some answers out of me without telling me why I'm here? Fine! I won't talk, PUT ME IN A CELL and you'll never find out where Marcos is. CASE CLOSED. Otherwise, get your asses up and get me somebody who can talk to me!" I yelled.

Both of them looked at each other and  then back to me. Are they buying it?


They both stood and then left the room. My mind was going crazy. I can't believe that speech worked! I honestly had no idea what I was talking about.

But if they didn't buy that speech, I had another line to use that only consisted of one word.


Taylor's POV

I looked around at the supposed apartment I was supposed to be fixing up for Mickey and I. After the court's decision of joint custody, I'm really trying to get my life together so I can regain full custody. Things have been a constant battle in my life. I feel as though I'm always fighting for my happiness ever since my marriage and I just want it to end. I want to be able to say that I've accomplished something within this two year time period.

But looking at the work I had ahead at me was making me doubt things. This apartment was in no form to be lived in, but the owner said that I could fix it up. Only thing is, it'd be coming out of my pocket.

This place screamed danger. The floors were in bad shape, the water came out a funny color, the toilet didn't flush, the hinges of doors were literally squealing, and there's a yellow stain on the wall in the living room that I'm hoping is not pee.

"Jesus," I whispered to myself.

Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz and I looked at the ID. It was an unknown number.

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