chapter 1 Schools Fools

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To the best editor ever she is a blessing to me :)

Okay guys this story is near and dear to my heart this may be offensive to some so please use caution when reading. Everyone Every place and Every event in this story is completely made up .. except for shadinger street thats a real rode :)

Moms are like alarm clocks without a snooze button. In my opinion there is no reason to have all the yelling so gosh darn early in the morning.

"Tachana get your ass out of bed we overslept!"

I hear my mom yell from down stairs as I drag myself out of bed I turn to look at my clock and see that I have more than enough time to get ready, but I shrug it off and grab my clothes and walk down stairs to get a shower.

I'm picking out my afro when I hear my cousins pull up in the drive way.

"Morning fam." They both scream. I cringe at the sound it really is to dame early to be this dame loud I walk out to see Avery and Anthony pouring themselves some coffee.  

"Hey guys." I mumble in a not so cheery voice as I poor myself some coffee into a to go cup.

“You know cuz if you would get enough sleep at night you might not be so sleepy in the morning." Anthony says pinching my cheeks like I was a baby.

"Well if I wasn’t up all night writing your history report I might have gotten some sleep." I scold rolling my eyes. By the time my mom came into the kitchen with the twins attached to her heals we were laughing like crazy people.

The twins Kayle and Kiley are three years old and attached to my mother. If she gets up and leaves the room they will fallow and if she walks into a room you are sure to see them right behind her. But she doesn’t seem to mind it, I think she enjoys it.  

“You kids better get out of here before you’re late." She scolds handing the twins some juice.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to mess up Channa's perfect attendance anyway." Avery says jumping of the counter and grabbing his cup before smirking over at me.

I shove him a little before running  upstairs to grab my stuff. When I come back down Avery is holding my cup and cell phone. I grab them and we race out the door to see who gets the front seat. He pushed me out of the way but I still made it before him.

“Love you guys, Make good decisions." I look back at my mom, who stood on the front porch smiling as she waved us off with the twins holding on to her legs.

  We pulled into school and parked in our normal spot. We all got out and Anthony and Avery walked over to meet their friends. I was almost at the door when I saw my best friend Anna-Marie sitting on a bench waiting for me. I smiled waving to her as she perked up. I swear this girl has too much energy.

"You're not gonna guess what I have to tell you?" she squealed as she ran over to me her red hair flowing behind her.

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