Chapter 9 Remodleing

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the maker of the best book cover ever I thank you :) I don't know how long this chapter is but it's really kind of just kinda a filler chapter but I hope you like it.

My great grandma used to have the oddest little sayings about everything. They weren't always the most helpful sayings at the time, but eventually they came in handy. One day about 10 years ago my family had went to see her on her birthday. She was about seventy four at the time and dieing from lung cancer. A lot happened that day, but I what I remember most was the conversation I had with her before Ieft her house that day. She was sitting in her room staring at a picture of my great grand father when I came in. I remember asking her what if felt like to fall in love, and I'll never forget how she answered.

"It's like that warm feeling you get in your tummy when you eat soup on a cold day or the feeling you get when you jump into a lake on a hot summers day. TaChanna, you'll know when you fall in love for sure you better hold on to that feeling and never let it go."

I've thought about that everyday sense I met Ian.

"Channa, Channa!" I opened my eyes to see Anna, Crystal and Sophia standing over me.

"Channa, get up!" Anna yelled shaking my me.

" Geez Anna I'm up okay I'm up."

"Get your ass out of bed and come down stairs!" Anna yelled pushing Sophia and Crystak out my door." Brush your teeth and change clothes while you're at it!"

I shook my head and got out of been I looked at my clock and saw that it was eleven o'clock in the morning. I went over to my closet grabbed some sweat pants and a T-Shirt before taking a quick shower.

"Channa, get your down here." I heard someone I assumed to be Anna yell from down stairs. Groggily I walked down stairs. What I saw once I got down stairs nearly knocked me off my feet. The entire basketball team and their girlfriends where sitting in my living room looking like they where ready to build a barn.

"Morning Channa." Calvin said

"Morning everybody."

"Want a muffin?" Anna asked me holding up a basket full of chocolate chip muffins which just so happened to be my favorite

" Sure why not." I shrugged taking a muffin from the basket. " Umm I'm not trying to rude or anything, but are you guys here."

"Look Channa." Ian said coming toward me. " Everyone heard about what happened."

" We don't think it's right." Sophia said softly. " I mean you're one of the nicest most selfless people I have ever meet, and your family is so sweet."

" So we all came to help fix your house." Calvin said.

It took all I had to not to fall on the floor. I couldn't believe that the people that a week ago wouldn't even talk to me where sitting in my living room volunteering to help fix my house during their fall break. It all felt unreal.

"The muffins where my Idea." Anna said hugging me and tickling my sides. "Hey what are best friends for."

"Thanks Anna." I said laughing a bit. " And thank you all for helping with everything."

As if on cue my mom and Lana walking the house with arms full of shopping bags.

"Ok so here's the deal guys." My mom yelled. " I couldn't find a shade of paint the same color as the house."

"So, we are just gonna have to paint the entire house." Lana said clapping her hands together and smiling. " Oh and we got got the windows on sale."

The room fell silent and on one made a move.

"Well get those muffins around and lets get to painting." Calvin screamed and got everybody moving. Everyone went out side, and got waited for Lana and my mom to start giving instructions. I went to walk out the door but I got pulled away and into the kitchen.

" Morning super star." I said taking a bit out of my muffin.

"You know of all the nicknames I have I think that might just be my favorite." Ian said wrapping his arms around my waist.

" Good cause I was thinking about calling you pookie." I said kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank good you didn't." he laughed. " Look Channa last night I was frantic and scared not just for you, but for your family, and I said some pretty hateful things."

" And I acted pretty rudely myself. So lets just put all of that behind us we both said things and acted in a way we regret, but we are here together this morning with our family and friends so lets just be thankful for that and forget all about last night."

" Deal." he said kissing my forehead.

"Now begone good sir." I said shoeing him away. " I have a muffin to finish."

Ian laughed and walked out of the kitchen leaving me alone with my thoughts. I discovered another box of muffins on the kitchen counter and a fresh pot off coffee. So me being me I took advantage of the situation. I sat on the counter drinking coffee and eating my muffin lost in my on thoughts when Anna walked in and sat beside me.

"Penny for your thoughts." she asked

" I was just thinking about who could have done this." I confessed. "Who would do this Anna."

" I don't know Channa." she shrugged. " But I do know that there is a yard full of yummy men fixing your house one of witch you can call your own and you're sitting on your kitchen counter moping about something you can't change."

"I'm not moping just reflecting."

" Get your ass off the counter and out that front door!" she yelled pushing me down and walking towards the door.

"You owe me a penny!" I yelled running after her.

It took all week, but we Finlay got the house done. Well technically we had it painted and new windows put in by Thursday, but then my mom insisted that she needed new drapes because the old ones clashed with the color of the house. Then the furniture didn't match the drapes so we had to get new furniture. An then the walls didn't match the furniture. Long story short we basically we redesigned our entire house. So Friday we decided to have a big picnic, but it was cold as hell so we pushed all the furniture back and did it in the living room.

"This is crazy ma." I said hugging her. We were standing in our newly designed kitchen making soup for every body.

"I think it's just crazy enough."

"We just redesigned most of our house outside to inside with my high school basketball team."

"No Channa it's crazy that one act of hatred created this much love." she said spinning me around.

"Love is like warm soup on a cold winters day." I said smiling at her.

"Never let it go." She said taping me on the nose.

That night we laughed and talked and ate and ate and ate some more. We became a family one big, happy, odd looking family.

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