Chapter 5 pressure

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It's been about a month sense well that cat was forced out of the bag which means Ian and I have been together for three months and three weeks well might as well say four months. Four amazing months. Things have started to settle down. Well about as settled as they are gonna get I guess. Kyle and his friends are still being well themselves, but you are always gonna have those people. Now just because people didn't say anything to us didn't mean that they were okay with it. It just meant that they weren't about to come out with it. I think Anthony and Avery had a something  to do with that, but hell I'm not complaining.  Anna still isn't talking to me, and it's killing me I miss my best friend we are blood sisters for christ sakes.

"Thanna wake up you're gonna be wate for stool." I opened my eyes and saw the twins sitting at the foot of my bed. Groaning I turned over and looked at my clock and saw it blinking so I reached and opened my phone. When saw that I had twenty  minutes before class started  I jumped  out of bed ad ran over to my closetI threw on my favorite gray hoodie and some jeans and put on some white tennis shoes. I ran down stairs with a twin under each arm and saw my mom standing in the kitchen with my stuff she looked absolutely exhauseted. I tradeed her my stuff for the twins, and downed my coffee burning my tounge in the process.

"Sorry pumpkin, the power went out last night while we were sleeping I guess."

"It happens." I said as I pulled my afro back into a puff ball.

"I'm hanging out with Ian this afternoon so I won't be home till late." I said walking to the door. As soon as I walked out Anthony and Avery pulled up wasting no time I ran and jumped into the car.

"Mourning cuzo." Avery said handing me another cup of coffee as we pulled out of my drive way.

Thanks to my cousin's fast and furious driveing and the fact that we live five minutes away from the school we made it to school with five minutes to spare. Anthony didn't even have time to park the car before I jumped out and started running toward the school. I made it to my seat right before the bell rang, and my perfect record still intact.

"Cutting it a little close there aren't you." I smiled at Dylan sense Anna and I hadn't been talking I need a new buddy Dayln sat in front of me. He was a nut, but super fun to talk to. He also had a coffee habit that made mine look like childs play I mean no matter what he had a full cup of coffee with him I envied him, but as great as Dylan is he is still no Anna.

"Yeah my power went out last night I guess, but hey my perfect record is still squeay clean." I said as I took my stuff out of my bag.

 Anna looked at me as if she wanted to say something, but instead she just turned toward the board. I looked and saw that we were doing an experiment today, and we needed to get with our assigned partners. At the begining of the year we chose 'perminate partners' as Mr. Todd called it. Which basically meant exactuly what it said there where no partner changes unless god forbid your partner died I think then you got to work alone. Mr.Todd was a very strict man. 

"I guess thats me and you." I said smiling at Anna trying not to make things awkward. She didn't say anything she just got up and moved to a table in the back. I followed her shrugging my shoulders. Maybe this isn't gonna go as smoothly as I thought it was. We finished the experiment , and Anna hadn't said two words to me the entire time. Mr. Todd blew the whistle signaling 'Clean up time' (our teacher had some serious OCD issues).

"Can you hand me a paper towel." I turned to see Anna stareing at me.

"Y..Yeah. " I studered handing her a paper towel.

"Thank you."

" No problem." I smiled at her. The bell rang and we all got up and started to walk towards the door. I couldn't let this go on any longer. I ran to my best friend calling her name.

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