Chapter 4 everyone knows

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not edited again you guys just have to bear with me here I tried editing it the best I could

The rest of the weekend went by pretty smoothly. Ian and I spent most of it hanging out. Saturday there was a Doctor who marathon on so we just chilled at my house all day hanging out with my mom and the twins. I told him about my dad and step mom and the other twins. He didn't run for the hills so that was good I think he might really love me. Sunday was church/family day so we didn't hangout then, but we don't have school on monday so we got to hangout then . So here it was Tuesday I still handn't told Anna She keeps calling me, but I don't like lieing to her and I felt like I should tell her face to face so I just keep ignoreing her phone calls.

Nervous as hell I walked into my chemistry class. I wasen't late, but for some reason everyone was already there I took my seat and looked at Anna who had her arms crossed and a pissed of look on her face. I shurgged my shoulders and started drink my coffee.

" You know bestfriends tell each other secrets, bestfriends answer each others phone calls, bestfriends don't ignore each other all week." she said turning toward me.

"You tried to call me?" I asked trying to play it off

"Yes, I tryed calling you and texting you."

"My phone must me messed up I'm sorry Anna."

"Don't sorry me I had to hear about you and Jeremy from Aubrey lynn, Chann Aubry do you know how emmbarasing that was."

I in fact did know how embarassing that was. Anna and Aubrey had been competeing for top gossiper sense middle school. It was incredible really.

"Anna I'm sorry I just didn't feel like talking about it."

"Okay I'll give you this time, but next time I'm cutting you off no juicey gossip for you."

"Deal." I said finishing off my coffee.

"Can I see your phone I need to send my self that picture we took a dinner on friday."

"Sure." I said handing her my phone as I got up to throw my cup away. I sat back down and looked at anna who had a wide eyed look on her face. She looked up at me about to say something, but Mr.Todd started talking so she just handed me my phone, and turned around.

About half way through class I felt something stick me in my arm. I turned to see Anna with a pencil in her hand pointing to her phone. I looked at mine and saw that she had texted me.

why is there a picture of you and Ian on your phone? -Anna

I paniced I knew I was gonna have to tell her, but I didn't want to tell her now. I looked at her and she was tapping her pencil on her desk impaitently. I guess I'm gonna have to bite the bullet.

we are... well he's my boyfriend now- Channa

You know those seconds it takes for a cell phone to recieve a message. It felt like the longest thirty seconds of my life I finaly saw her phone light up and her pocket I held my breathe as She took it out of her pocket I saw her eyes brows furrow and then she looked at me and jumped out of her desk.

"You're dating Ian Jackson!." she screamed the entire class stopped and turned toward me and Anna. I put my head down on my desk and groaned.

"Channa, answer me." She demanded

"About two months and three weeks." I said not making eye contact.

"You're telling me you have been dating Ian Jackson for two months and you haven't told me."

I nooded to her.I didn''t even have to turn around to see Summer shooting daggers into my back I could feel them.

"You two hall way now and take your stuff with you." Mr. Todd demanded pointing to the door.

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