Chapter 2

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Monday morning came and Emma was not excited. She hated school, and now she had to be a new student. As if she hadn't had enough changes this week.

"Wake up, Em! It's time for school!" Ruby shouted.

Emma groaned and sat up. "School is stupid."

"I know, I know, but Killian has been waiting for you to get your ass up for the past ten minutes!"

Emma fell back onto the bed. "Fine." Ten minutes later, she was walking into the kitchen. Killian handed her a donut and she took a bite. "What? No eggs or bacon?"

"Not today, Swan. We should get to my car and leave now, if you want to get to the school early."

She nodded. "How did you get your own car?"

"I had a job when I bought it. Then I got fired a few days afterwards." She didn't want to ask why, so she didn't. Instead, she stared out the window as they drove to the school. Killian opened the door for her when they pulled up to the parking lot. "Just blend in. I'll introduce you to my friends." They stopped in the office to get her schedule and he tugged her to a hallway to look it over. "Looks like we have all the same classes, love. Now you'll never get lost." She smiled as he pulled her to her homeroom. They walked inside and she followed him to a group of people.

"You didn't text us over the weekend, Killian. What the hell?" A blonde haired boy asked. "Wait, who is this?"

"She was the reason I was so busy. This is Emma Swan," Killian introduced her with a proud smile on his face. "That is David," he said pointing to the guy in front of them. He then pointed to a short black haired girl. "That is Regina. And the guy next to her is Robin, her boyfriend."

Regina stood up and walked over to Emma. "Thank goodness. We needed more than three girls in the group. There are too many boys."

Emma smiled and sat down. Killian sat in front of her. "You'll love these guys too." She nodded and watched the clock, waiting for the bell to ring. A girl with curly, strawberry blonde hair walked in, and she could see as Killian tensed up in front of her. He turned around and shot Emma a warning glance. "That is Zelena. Most popular bitch here. Don't talk to her."

Emma knew everything there was to know about popular girls. They were usually the head cheerleader, got all of the guys in high school, and were rude to everyone below them. She dealt with a lot of popular girls in her other schools, and they never scared her, so why should they start now?

Zelena walked over her desk and leaned over her. She heard growls from the guys and Regina's scoff. "A newbie! How exciting!" Zelena said in her British accent that was full of fake excitement. "Were you taken in by Liam too?"

"Yeah I was," Emma said with a bored tone.

"They pity you."

"Have you ever met him?" When Zelena was silent, Emma smiled. "Don't judge people unless you really know them."

Zelena stormed off and everyone burst into laughter. "That was awesome, Emma!" Robin said, leaning over to pat her on the back.

"That isn't even the best that I have."

During lunch, Emma excused herself to go to the bathroom, so she could fix her makeup that most likely had worn off. After reapplying eyeliner, the door burst open. She looked over as Zelena walked in. "Listen here, you little brat. This is my school. I control it here, and I will not have you coming in to ruin everything."

"Just because someone is brave enough to stand up to you, you think I'm going to take your place? No thanks. I don't want to be you."

"Good. It would be too much of a responsibility for you anyway. You need to have the guidance of parents, and that my dear, is what you don't have. I guess I shouldn't worry though. It will only be a matter of time before Liam sends you back and asks for a new kid. Either that or you'll run away first."

"You don't know anything about me."

"I know that you never stick around in one place for long. You just have that kind of look in your eye. Oh, and I can see what you are doing to Killian, and for his sake, don't go after him. He doesn't need you breaking his heart."

"I wouldn't hurt him."

"Yes, you would. You would hurt him by hurting yourself, and once you realize that you won't be anything in life, you'll be kicked out of here."

Tears swelled in Emma's eyes as Zelena walked out of the bathroom. The bell went off and she ignored the pain in her chest and shoved through the crowd of people so she would get to her next class on time.

Killian sat next to her when he got to math. He looked at her with a confused expression on her face. "You left without us. You okay, love?"

"I'm not your love, so stop calling me that," she hissed.

"Swan, I didn't mean-"

"No, you didn't. Just leave me alone."

"I don't know what has you so upset all of a sudden, but I'm going to figure out what it is." He grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips. Emma felt her heart stop as he pressed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. The bell rang again just as Zelena walked into the classroom. Killian still held Emma's hand and she saw Zelena give her a dirty look. Emma yanked her hand away. "Swan? Talk to me."

"Now is not the time," she whispered with tears in her eyes.

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