Chapter 1

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Emma went up to her bedroom that she shared with Ruby and Mary Margaret. As Killian had said, everyone was nice. No one asked her questions about her past in other foster homes, or what it was like. They talked about everyone's favorite movies and what the whole household liked to do for fun. Ruby came into the room with Mary Margaret behind her.

"How was your first day here at the Jones home?" Ruby asked as she bounced onto her bed.

"It was good," Emma said plainly.

"You get used to it," Mary insisted.

"I just hope this lasts. In all of the other homes, I was just a burden. Another mouth to feed," Emma said, not realizing that she said it out loud.

"Liam and Elsa are amazing. They are fun and they love us."

Emma smiled, choosing not to say anything. She grabbed her notebook and started to continue her story. Ruby sorted through her nail polish and makeup. Mary Margaret settled down with a book about a prince and a bandit who fell in love. Pretty soon, Emma's eyes started to flutter shut, and she couldn't keep them open anymore. She put her notebook under her pillow and grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. She put her pajamas on and went to sleep. The next morning, Emma woke up to male voices shouting downstairs. She cracked open an eye and saw that both Mary Margaret and Ruby were still sleeping. Mary had a pillow over her head as Ruby kept tossing and turning.

"What the hell is that?" Emma grunted as she propped herself up on her elbows.

"The guys," Ruby groaned. "They always blast their video games in the morning, just because they know it pisses us off."

"Where's Liam and Elsa?"

"Work. Liam works at the docks. Elsa is an interior designer. They both make shitloads of money."

"And when do they get back?"

"They both come home around 3:00. It leaves Will, Victor, and Killian alone to play their video games or music as loud as they want."

Emma let out an over dramatic groan and tossed the blankets back. She grabbed some clothes and what little makeup she had and got dressed. When she emerged from the bathroom, both Mary Margaret and Ruby were sitting up. Emma left them alone and went into the kitchen. The sound of the video games and the boys shouting were louder. She found a glass and got some orange juice from the fridge. She poured some and tipped her head back, taking a gulp.

"Good morning, Swan," Killian said as he walked into the room. "Might I say, you are looking as beautiful as ever."

She looked down at her attire. It was just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. "Thanks." She took another drink of her orange juice, hoping that it would distract him from her reddening cheeks.

"Did you sleep well?" He brushed past her as he went to the pantry. A jolt of electricity hit her and turned into tingles and she secretly hoped he had felt it too.

"Yeah. But waking up to the sounds of guns firing and teenage boys shouting isn't a way I wished to have woken up to."

"What would you have liked to wake up to?" He smirked as she blushed again. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Toast would be fine."

"Eggs, bacon, and toast it is." He smiled. "Have you made your decision about reading one of your stories to me?"

"Killian, I don't think I'm going to be doing that."

"I won't write you a song."

She shrugged and sat down at the table. She watched as he moved over the stove to cook her breakfast. He had a white t-shirt on and blue pajama pants. She blushed and looked down at her hands as she caught herself looking at his ass.

'Stop it, Emma!'

When her food was done, Killian placed a plate in front of her, and one in front of the seat across from her. He sat down and dug into his food.

"The eggs are fantastic," she complimented, seeing how his face lit up.

"Thank you, m'lady."

After breakfast, Emma helped Killian wash the dishes and followed him into the game room. She sat down on a beanbag next to his gaming chair. She watched how his brows furrowed in concentration as he worked hard to beat Will and Victor. Once Liam and Elsa returned, she snuck into the kitchen to see their arms loaded with grocery bags. She ran to Elsa and helped her place them on the table, before running to Liam and doing the same to him.

"Thank you, Emma," they said in unison.

"Liam, go get the rest. Emma, you don't need to help us," Elsa said.

"It's not a problem, Mrs. Jones. It will help me get used to where things are."

Elsa smiled. "Call me Elsa, Emma. Mrs. Jones is too formal."

Liam came back into the kitchen with the rest of the grocery bags, and a little box in his hands. "Emma, we got something for you," he said. He gave her the box that was wrapped in swan wrapping paper. She held in a laugh at how silly it was. "Open it." She saw the smiles on their faces and tore the paper.

"Is it mine?" She asked as she held up the brand new phone.

"It is. Everyone has one. We want you to be safe when you aren't here."

Emma looked at Elsa and Liam. "Thank you. Thank you both so much."

And she really meant it. She was lucky enough that Liam and Elsa had taken her in. She was even luckier that they were nice. They had just bought her a new phone, just because they wanted her to be safe. She was determined to not mess everything up. She wanted to stay here. She liked everyone and they were nice to her. Tears formed in her eyes and she ran into the bathroom to calm herself before they fell.

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